
  1. 浅议WTO与我国农业保护政策

    On WTO and the Agriculture Protection Policy of our Country

  2. 从管理体制和支持结构上看,我国加入WTO后在农业保护政策上应该加以调整。

    We should adjust agriculture protection policy after our country entered WTO .

  3. 浅论WTO框架下我国农业保护政策选择

    Our Country Agriculture Protection Policy under WTO 's Frame

  4. 实施农业保护政策,提高农业综合生产能力;

    To implement agricultural protective policy and promote comprehensive agricultural production ;

  5. 试论我国农业保护政策的目标

    On the objectives of the Policy for Agricultural Protection in China

  6. 绿箱措施与农业保护政策的调整

    " Green Box " Measure and Adjustment of Agricultural Protection Policy

  7. 运用农业保护政策的空间缩小。

    Narrow the range of using the agricultural policy of protection .

  8. 论我国农业保护政策与国际竞争力

    On the Protective Policy and International Competitive Strength of Chinese Agriculture

  9. 世界贸易组织规则下我国农业保护政策研究

    Study on the Policy of Agricultural Protection After China 's WTO Accession

  10. 美国农业保护政策及其影响研究

    On the American Policies of Agricultural Protection and Its Influences

  11. 外部性问题与农业保护政策的理性选择

    Exterior Problem and Rational Choice of Agricultural Protection Policy

  12. 农业保护政策的战略重点:国际经验的比较研究

    The Strategic Point of Agricultural Protection Policy : Comparative Study on International Experience

  13. 借鉴国外农业保护政策构建我国农业保护体系。

    Using the successful protective policies of other countries to form the agriculture protective system in our country .

  14. 本文从比较的角度,采用定量和定性分析相结合的方法,运用国际经济学和制度经济学等相关理论研究中美农业保护政策。

    Also , the paper has used the theory of international economics and the institutional economics to study the policies of agricultural protection .

  15. 因此,加强和完善“绿箱”措施,将是我国农业保护政策调整的基本方向。

    Therefore , to strengthen and improve " green box " measure will be the major direction of adjustment of agricultural protection policy in China .

  16. 虽然20世纪90年代以来,各国为了适应农产品贸易自由化的发展趋势,对农业保护政策进行了调整和变革。

    Although since the 1990s , countries in order to adapt to the liberalization trend of agricultural trade , their agricultural protect policies had adjusted or changed .

  17. “绿箱”措施因其是免于削减的项目而日益成为许多国家农业保护政策的重点。

    Since " green box " measure remains valid in the agreement on agriculture reached by WTO , it is becoming the focal point of agricultural protection policy in many countries .

  18. 本文通过对美国及印度两国农业保护政策主要特征的分析,描述了发达国家和发展中国家农业保护政策战略调整的基本方向。

    This article describes the basic orientation of the adjustment of agricultural protection policies in both developed developing countries through the analysis of the main features of protection policies in America India .

  19. 发达国家农业贸易保护政策及启示

    Agricultural Protective Trade Policy of Developed Countries and Enlightenment to Our Country

  20. 构建中国农业支持保护政策体系的思考

    How to Construct China 's Policy System to Support and Protect Agriculture

  21. 强化农业支持保护政策。

    We will strengthen policies for supporting and protecting agriculture .

  22. 包括市场经济条件下农业保护的政策取向、科技兴农的运行目标和农业投入机制的总体构建。

    It involves policy guidance for market-oriented agriculture protection , operation objectives for science-and-technology-oriented agriculture development and overall establishment of agricultural investment mechanism .

  23. 粮食净进口发展中国家虽能从农业贸易保护政策中短期获益,但长远来看,也存在粮食安全忧患。

    Agricultural trade protection policy which benefits net-food-importing developing countries in the short-term , in the long run leads to food security hardship .

  24. 欧盟、美国农业支持和保护政策研究

    A Study on Agricultural Support and Protection Policies of EU and U.S.A

  25. 近年来,中国对日本的农产品出口贸易已经取得巨大成就,但同时也存在许多困难,如日本的技术贸易壁垒、农业贸易保护主义政策以及我国农产品的质量问题等等。

    However , there are many encumbrances to the development of farm produce trade between the two countries , such as the Technical Barrier to Trade of Japan , the policy of protectionism to agriculture and so on .

  26. 理论和现实也都表明,以市场经济作为改革取向的我国农业同样需要实行保护政策。

    Practice and theory both show that our agriculture by also need protection .

  27. 增加政府投入,逐步实行以支持农业保险为主的农业保护政策;

    Meanwhile , the government should increase investment and carry out agricultural protection policy that aims to support agricultural insurance ;

  28. 多数情况下,政府将改农业征税政策为农业保护政策。

    Therefore , the government ′ s policy should be changed from taxing on agriculture to protecting on it at most occasions .

  29. 农业保险制度是通行的农业保护政策之一。

    Agriculture insurance is one of the current policies in protecting agriculture .

  30. 中国虽是农业大国,但过去一直对农业实施负保护政策,剥削农业剩余为工业服务。

    China exploited agriculture for industry in the past .