
mào yì bǎo hù zhǔ yì
  • protectionism
  1. 大西洋两岸都在大肆鼓吹贸易保护主义。

    Shrill voices on both sides of the Atlantic are advocating protectionism .

  2. 我们应该将亚太经合组织打造成推动一体化的制度平台,加强经验交流的政策平台,反对贸易保护主义的开放平台,深化经济技术合作的发展平台,推进互联互通的联接平台。

    The APEC can be an institutional platform to promote integration , a policy platform to strengthen experience exchanges , an open platform to fight against trade protectionism , a development platform to deepen economic and technological cooperation and a connection platform to promote connectivity .

  3. 贸易保护主义者引起的两国之间的贸易摩擦。

    Trade frictions between the two countries had been caused by trade protectionists .

  4. 哈克比先生的弱点在于他的贸易保护主义者和反公司的言论吓坏了经济保守派

    Mr Huckabee 's weakness is that his protectionist and anti-corporate rhetoric appals economic conservatives .

  5. 贸易保护主义的挑战与WTO体系的完善

    The Challenge of Protectionism and the Improvement of WTO

  6. 各国的贸易保护主义者频繁地以WTO所允许的贸易救济等措施实行产业保护,对我国制造贸易摩擦,使之成为贸易保护的合法工具。

    Every country in order to protect its business will make trade friction which justified by the legal trade remedy of WTO rules .

  7. 而且,各国的贸易保护主义抬头也在客观上为TBT的产生起到了推动作用。

    Furthermore , the Trade Protectionism improves the TBT objectively .

  8. 就在最近,美国众议院(HouseofRepresentatives)在气候变化与节能法案中加入了贸易保护主义条款,今年早些时候出台的经济刺激计划也包括类似条款。

    Very recently , the House of Representatives included trade protectionist provisions in the climate change and energy conservation bill , while earlier this year such provisions were added to the economic stimulus package .

  9. 由于随乌拉圭回合的谈判结束和WTO的成立,关税壁垒受到大幅削减,非关税壁垒逐渐成为贸易保护主义的主要措施,而尤以技术性贸易壁垒为甚。

    As with the " Uruguay Round " of WTO negotiations end and the establishment of tariff barriers substantially reduced , non-tariff barriers gradually become the main measures of trade protectionism , especially technical barriers to trade .

  10. 新加坡政府投资公司(gic)的陈庆炎(tonytan)表示:“我们应当警惕过度监管、贸易保护主义,以及全球化倒退。”

    Tony tan from the government of Singapore Investment Corporation said : " we should guard against overregulation and protectionism and a retreat from globalisation . "

  11. 中国美国商会(AmericanChamberofCommerce)昨日表示,该法“对创新而言是倒退了一步”,因为它对跨境数据流动施加了限制,似乎“着重于贸易保护主义而非安全”。

    The American Chamber of Commerce in China said yesterday that the law was " a step backwards for innovation " because it placed restrictions on cross-border data flows and seemed " to emphasise protectionism rather than security . "

  12. 在司法方面,比例原则的适用发展了WTO法,比例原则应该在WTO争端解决机构的司法评审中发挥作用,比例原则还可以抑制贸易保护主义并遏制WTO成员方对权利的滥用。

    Judicial applications of the principle of proportionality develop WTO law and the principle of proportionality should exert its function in judicial review of Dispute Settlement Body of WTO , and may control trade protectionism and keep within limits for abuse of rights by WTO members .

  13. 随后,尼古拉萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)又宣称法国可能退出申根(Schengen)自由跨境旅行区,还威胁采取单边的贸易保护主义措施,而这种措施在布鲁塞尔看来肯定是非法的。

    Then Nicolas Sarkozy declared France could pull out of the Schengen zone of border-free travel and threatened to take unilateral , protectionist measures on trade that would clearly be viewed as illegal in Brussels .

  14. 撰写该报告的世界银行经济学家布朗(ChadBown)表示,截至目前的数据表明,金融危机期间卷土重来的贸易保护主义可能已经达到了顶峰。

    ' The data to date provides some evidence that the protectionism arising during this particular crisis may have peaked , ' said Chad Bown , the World Bank economist who wrote the report .

  15. 随着贸易保护主义的重新抬头和贸易壁垒形式的不断翻新,西方发达国家在推出了技术壁垒、反倾销等非关税壁垒后,又推出了旨在关注劳工身心健康和劳工权益的SA8000。

    With the renovation of protectionism and trade barrier form , western developed countries carry out SA8000 which aims at calling attention to physical and mental health and rights of laborers after introducing such non-tariff trade barriers as technological barrier , anti-dumping , etc.

  16. 相当多的对中国的批评都是变相的贸易保护主义。

    Quite a bit of criticism of China is disguised protectionism .

  17. 但是在现实中,各国贸易保护主义势力却长盛不衰。

    However , in reality , protectionism forces are enduring .

  18. 美国可能会转向贸易保护主义,亚洲则会转向骄傲自大导致的孤立。

    The US could drift into protectionism , Asia into hubris-induced isolation .

  19. 新世纪贸易保护主义的特点及我国的对策

    Characteristics of Trade Protectionism in the New Century and China 's Countermeasures

  20. 贸易保护主义有所抬头,贸易摩擦加剧。

    Trade protectionism is gaining ground , resulting in heightened trade frictions .

  21. 但是,处理此类问题应完全从植物检疫角度而不是贸易保护主义角度出发。

    But these should be addressed on purely phytosanitary not protectionist grounds .

  22. 到目前为止,人们对传统贸易保护主义的热情一向不高。

    So far , traditional trade protectionism has been a low-grade fever .

  23. 金融危机下的贸易保护主义及我国面临的挑战与对策

    Trade Protectionism and China 's Challenges and Countermeasures under the Financial Crisis

  24. 上周末召开的欧盟紧急峰会意在抵制贸易保护主义。

    An emergency EU summit was called this weekend to combat protectionism .

  25. 他们同时警告说,要提防设立贸易保护主义壁垒。

    They also warn against the urge to place protectionist barriers up .

  26. 美国201条款与新贸易保护主义政策分析

    An Analysis of America " Article 201 " And New Trade-protecting Policies

  27. 乌拉圭回合后,贸易保护主义走向更为隐蔽的方式&绿色壁垒。

    Protectionism shifts to covert hidden way-green barrier after Uruguay Round Negotiation .

  28. 出口市场竞争激烈,贸易保护主义抬头。

    Toughening of competition for export markets and the growing trend of protectionism .

  29. 各国的贸易保护主义使得倾销成为一种常用的贸易救济手段。

    Trade protectionism all over the world makes antidumping a frequently-used trade remedy .

  30. 我们应该改正我们的贸易保护主义做法。

    We should revise our protectionist practices in trade .