
  • 网络policy of protective tariff
  1. 随着工业革命的高歌猛进,19世纪四五十年代,英国工业资产阶级要求废除代表土地贵族利益的保护关税政策,实行代表本阶级利益的自由贸易政策,并如愿以偿。

    As the Industrial Revolution advanced triumphantly from 1840s to 1850s , British industrial bourgeois demanded to abrogate the policy of protective tariff which represented the interest of agrarian nobles , and carry out the free trade policy which represented their interest .

  2. 实行保护关税政策;

    To effect tariff - protecting policy ;

  3. 国际上的关税理论主要分自由贸易政策理论和保护关税政策理论,两大流派有着各自的支持者,在不同时期为不同国家所实践。

    The international tariff theories are mainly divided into the theory of free trade policy and the theory of protective tariff policy , both of which have their own supporters and are put into practice by different countries in the different period .

  4. 我国必须坚持反对电子商务的零关税政策,适度的保护性关税政策是带动和促进我国经济发展的必然选择。

    We must protest zero - tariff policy of e-business and adhere to modest protective tariff policy the alternative for propelling our economic development .

  5. 首先,在任何经济滑坡时期,担忧会轻易造成保护主义关税和配额政策的增多。

    First , in any economic slump fear can easily give rise to protectionist policies on Tariffs and quotas .

  6. 最终代表北部工业家利益的联邦政府通过战争解决了双方间的论争,进一步强化了贸易保护主义的高关税政策在美国政治中的影响。

    At last , the federal government on behalf of the northern capitalists solved the controversy by means of the civil war . This further intensified the protectionism power in American politics .