
  • 网络duty of confidentiality;confidentiality;secrecy obligation
  1. 第二部分对信息披露的内容的立法进行分析。建议加强基础资产上的信息披露。加强特殊目的的机构的信息披露,平衡信息披露义务和保密义务。

    The second part is to analyse the content of the information disclosure system of Asset Securitization legislation . I proposed to strengthen information disclosure both on the underlying asset and the special-purpose institutions , balanced information disclosure obligations and duty of confidentiality .

  2. 国际商事仲裁的保密义务并不是绝对的,而是存在一些重要的例外的;

    And there are important exceptions of the duty of confidentiality ;

  3. 书面应该保证归还和销毁,归还这些材料将不影响B遵循以上的保密义务。

    Such return and destruction shall be confirmed promptly in writing by B The return of these materials shall not affect B undertakings on the confidentiality obligations set forth hereinabove .

  4. 论劳动关系中的保密义务和竞业禁止

    On the Secrecy Obligation And the Prohibition of Business Strife

  5. 论银行的保密义务

    A Discussion About the Bank 's Keep Secret Obligation

  6. 英美银行保密义务规则的冲突与制衡

    A Study on Conflicts and Balance of the Bank 's Duty of Confidentiality

  7. 我公司承诺对委托方所提供的技术资料承担保密义务。

    We promise to keep the secrets of the technical information for the clients .

  8. 第四节讨论了银行违反保密义务应承担的民事责任。

    Section IV discusses the civil liability the bank breach confidentiality obligations should undertake .

  9. 论保密义务与诚信原则

    On Concealing Liability and Integrity and Credit Rule

  10. 没有履行合同规定的保密义务

    Fails to perform its confidentiality obligation under Contract

  11. 所有向我们提交的资料,我们都将履行保密义务。

    All information submitted to the SKS Shatz Kosher Services will be kept in the strictest confidence .

  12. 劳动关系中商业秘密的保护方式主要有保密义务和竞业禁止两种方式。

    Mainly there are two ways of protecting business secretes in the labor-capital relations : secret-protecting obligation and non-competition .

  13. 作为刑事和解制度的基本内容之一,保密义务在整个制度中的意义显得格外重大。

    As the critical component in VOM system , confidentiality obligation is of great significance in the whole system .

  14. 瑞士和卢森堡的惶恐也不是空穴来风,抛弃银行保密义务将沉重打击他们的私人银行业务。

    Switzerland and Luxembourg fear - not without cause - that giving up banking secrecy would hit their private-banking business .

  15. 契约履行阶段的附随义务针对的是积极侵害债权,包括说明义务、保密义务、保护义务。

    Subordinated obligations to the performance of contract focus on positive tort liabilities , which include obligations of description , confidentiality and protection .

  16. 监事有了解公司经营情况的权利,并承担相应的保密义务。

    Supervisors shall have the right to learn about the operating status of the listed company and shall have the corresponding obligation of confidentiality .

  17. 该协议上文提出的义务统称为“保密义务”或“信任义务”。

    The obligations set forth hereinabove are in this agreement collectively referred to as " confidentiality obligations " or " obligations of confidence " .

  18. 三是关于职工的保密义务。要平衡好保护商业秘密与保护公民的自由择业权的关系。

    Third , legal duties , the relationship between Trade secret protection and the civil rights of freedom of job choice should be balanced .

  19. 该文试从真实义务和保密义务的平衡中阐述适合中国特色律师保密制度构建的法理思考。

    This paper explains that the lawyer 's confidential system with Chinese characteristics should be established between the balance of real duties and confidential duties .

  20. 辩护人在执业过程中经常遇到真实义务和保密义务、社会大众伦理与辩护人职业伦理之间的冲突,正确认识和处理这些价值冲突对明晰辩护人在刑事诉讼中的法律地位有着重要的意义。

    It is of significant to recognize and resole correctly the value conflict for making the law position of the counsel distinct in the criminal action .

  21. 国家安全例外可以细分为国家安全、国家防卫、国际关系和对外承担保密义务的信息。

    National security exception could be broken down into national security , national defense , international relations and information of assume the foreign obligation of confidentiality .

  22. 专家因其特殊的身份,在职业活动中负有特殊的义务,如高度注意义务、忠实义务、保密义务等等。

    Specialists have special status and incur some special duties in their occupations , for example , high attention duty , fiduciary duty and confidential duty .

  23. 即使本协议因不可抗力而终止,各方仍须履行保密义务。(让步)

    Even if this agreement is terminated due to an event of force majeure , the parties shall still perform their obligations with respect to confidentially .

  24. 它基于委托人和相关利益人的信赖而产生,主要分为注意义务、保密义务和告知义务。

    Its produce on the basis of trust of client and relevant interests people and it include duty of care , confidentiality obligation and duty to disclosure .

  25. 商务部、海关总署和税务总局对调查中知悉的国家秘密和商业秘密负有保密义务。

    Ministry of Commerce , General Administration of the Customs and State Administration of Taxation should maintain secrecy about state and commercial secret known during the investigation .

  26. 该法主要规定了侦探业准入的限制条件、书面交付义务、保密义务、对从业人员培训的义务等问题。

    This law mainly stipulates the entry limitation , the delivery duty in written form , the secret-keeping duty , and the duty of training practitioner , etc.

  27. 但现实却未必能符合当事人的期望,实践表明国际商事仲裁并不总是存在保密义务的。

    But the practices do not match wishes which the parties concerned . The practices show that duty of confidentiality does not always exist in international commercial arbitration .

  28. 使用者提供的有关使用情况涉及该使用者商业秘密的,著作权集体管理组织负有保密义务。

    Where the details provided by the user on use involve the user 's commercial secret , the organization for collective administration of copyright shall bear confidentiality obligations .

  29. 医师若违反这些义务就应承担相应的专家责任,如医师违反高度注意义务的专家责任、违反忠实义务的专家责任、违反说明义务的专家责任、违反保密义务的专家责任。

    Doctors should burden appropriate professional responsibilities if they violate these duties , that is , the responsibilities when violating duty of high attention , fiduciary or confidential duty .

  30. 即使本协议另有约定,接收方应当对违反本协议约定的保密义务承担损害赔偿责任。

    Notwithstanding anything provided for in this Agreement , the Receiving Party shall be responsible for any damages derived from the infringement of the confidentiality obligations as stated herein .