
  • 网络the subject matter;subject of insurance;Subject matter insured;subject-matter insured
  1. 保险标的的风险总是在不断变化着,所以签订保险合同时的预期风险与合同履行过程中的风险有时候会出现比较大差异。

    The risk of the subject matter insured is always in a dynamic process , but there will be a big difference in the conclusion of insurance contracts on the expected risk and the actual performance of the contract .

  2. 相对于寿险公司,财产保险公司的保险标的更广,资金流动性更高,面临的风险也更大。

    Relative to life insurance companies , property insurance companies a broader subject matter insured , liquidity , facing greater risk .

  3. 论保险标的识别&以特殊保险合同的定性为视角

    Insured object 's recognition & Special insurance contracts Qualitative Perspective

  4. 基于保险标的风险管理与计算机仿真研究

    Study On Risk Management and Computer Simulation To Subject-matter Insuranced

  5. 责任保险标的范围的界定

    Defining the Range on Insurance Object of Liability Insurance

  6. 对于涵盖同一法人的不同保险标的的统括保单。

    A Master policy covering different subject-matters insured of the same legal person .

  7. 你呢,作为保险标的,必须乖乖的。

    And you , as a kind of insured object , must be obedient .

  8. (一)投保人故意虚构保险标的,骗取保险金的;

    An applicant defrauds insurance money by deliberately falsifying the subject matter of the insurance ;

  9. 有的故意虚构保险标的,骗取保险金;

    Some made up the insurance and marked on purpose , defrauded of the insurance premium ;

  10. 此举被认为是安全的,因为作为保险标的的企业发生违约的可能性被认为很小。

    This was deemed safe because the likelihood of default at the insured companies was thought remote .

  11. 机动车辆保险标的主要是车身和第三者责任。

    The subject-matter of motor vehicle insurance is motor vehicle and third party liability in the main .

  12. 同时对现代责任保险标的的发展趋势给予概念性的浅层预测。

    Meanwhile to modern liability insurance sign the trend of development gives the conceptive shallow layer forecast .

  13. 即在保险标的转让时,履行合同约定的手续。

    It is namely when the cession of insurance mark , perform the procedure that the contract agrees .

  14. 按保险标的的性质不同,将保险分为财产保险和人身保险。

    According to the nature of insurance objects , insurance could be divided into property insurance and life insurance .

  15. 然而,由于各投保人风险态度迥异,不一定总对保险标的全额投保。

    However , the insured won 't always need the full insurance coverage since their risk attitude is vastly different .

  16. 以安装工程中的各种机器、机械、设备为保险标的的保险。

    Be insurance mark in order to install all sorts of machines in the project , mechanical , equipment safe .

  17. 他们以其财产、生命或身体为保险标的,在保险事故发生后,享有保险金请求权。

    They are insurance mark with its belongings , life or body , after insurance accident happens , enjoy insurance gold to request authority .

  18. 最后,论证了保险标的损失额度为离散随机变量时夸大损失索赔欺诈博弈问题解的形式。

    Finally , the solution of the insurance fraud game , which the loss amount of insurance object is discrete random variable , is demonstrated .

  19. 保险标的是指作为保险对象的财产及其有关利益或者人的寿命和身体。

    An insurable subject-matter insured refers to the property and its related interests , or the life expectancy and human body which serve as insurance objects .

  20. 保险标的在保险活动中处于基础的地位,其转让对整个保险活动也有重大的影响。

    The subject of insurance plays a basic position in insurance activities , the transfer of it have a great impact in the entire insurance activities .

  21. 投保人必须具有完全民事权利能力和民事行为能力,同时,还必须对保险标的具有保险利益。

    Policy-holder must have ability of complete civil rights and civil action capacity , in the meantime , still must be opposite of insurance mark have insurance interest .

  22. 因救护保险标的物,致保险标的物发生损失者,视同所保危险所生之损失。

    Loss to the subject-matter insured that occurs in the course of attempting to save or protect it is deemed to have arisen out of the insured risk .

  23. 保险标的残值的权利归属根据保险人履行保险赔偿责任的情况确定。

    The right that the incomplete of insurance mark is worth is attributive the circumstance that fulfills insurance liability to pay compensation according to the underwriter is affirmatory .

  24. 尤其是接受了保险标的所有权的保险人究竟在多大范围内承担基于此所有权的责任更成为争议的焦点。

    Especially , the scope of the obligation undertaken by the insurer who has taken over the ownership of the subject-matter insured usually becomes the core of the dispute .

  25. 这个理论或可称为保险标的定性过程理论,是本文的核心理论。

    Maybe the exposition can be called " the theory of legal reasoning in the process of characterizing subject-matter insured " which is the key theory of this paper .

  26. 主要分保条件,包括涉及的险种、保险标的风险状况、再保险方式、分入或分出保费;

    Major reinsurance terms , including the insurance products involved , the risk status of the insurance objects , form of reinsurance , and the premium ceded in or out ;

  27. 在实务中,要注意区分合同载明的是保险标的的保险金额还是保险价值。

    In actual practice , please pay attention to whether it is the insurance amount or the insurance value of insurance subject matter that is specified in the insurance contract .

  28. 这些合同组成要素包括保险标的、保险当事人、保险承保范围、保险期间、保险费、保险金额、保险责任七个方面。

    These elements include the subject matter , the parties and relating people , the coverage , the insurance period , the premium , the indemnity and the insurance liability .

  29. 财产保险标的转让是2009年《中华人民共和国保险法》修订的重要内容之一,也是保险法学界极为关注的问题。

    The assignation of the object in property insurance is not only a crucial revision of the 2009 insurance law of PRC , but also of great concern to insurance law experts .

  30. 保险标的是保险活动的物质基础,一切保险活动都要依靠客观上存在的保险标的才能开展。

    The subject of insurance is the basic material of the insurance activities . All insurance activities must rely on the existence of an objective to carry out the subject of insurance .