
  • 网络GdR;GDRs;Global Depository Receipt
  1. 然而,许多台湾制造商通过全球存托凭证上市,成功地筹集到了资金。

    Yet a number of Taiwanese makers have managed to raise funds via global depository receipt listings .

  2. 台湾金融监管机构最近拒绝了当地另一家存储芯片制造商茂德科技(Promos)的融资申请。该公司计划通过发行可转债和全球存托凭证(GDR)募集资金最多5.5亿美元。

    Taiwan 's financial regulator recently rejected an application by Promos , another Taiwanese memory chip maker , to raise up to US $ 550m through convertible bonds and global depositary receipts .

  3. 上述名单每年更新一次,并于2月份接受该基金董事会的重新评估,不过投资于美国存托凭证和全球存托凭证,可能会更快获批。

    The list is updated yearly and is up for re-evaluation by the Calpers board in February , although permission to invest in ADRs and GDRs could come sooner .

  4. 中投表示,它拿出9.39亿美元买入这家哈萨克斯坦油气公司在伦敦交易的全球存托凭证,此举标志着中国进一步涉足各方激烈争夺的中亚能源行业。

    CIC said it paid $ 939m to buy London-traded Global Depositary Receipts in the Kazakhstan-based oil and gas company , marking a further advance by China into the hotly contested central Asian energy sector .

  5. 在沪伦通机制下,在上海上市的公司现在可以通过全球存托凭证保险在伦敦证券交易所进行融资,而英国公司现在也可以在上交所签发中国存托凭证。

    Under the new system , companies listed in Shanghai can now raise funds on the London Stock Exchange via Global Depositary Receipts issuance , while British companies can issue China Depositary Receipts on the Shanghai Stock Exchange .

  6. 保险资金可以投资的品种包括银行存款、商业票据、银行票据、大额可转让存单、债券、货币市场基金、债券型基金、股票、全球存托凭证、美国存托凭证、股票型基金等。

    Insurance funds , under the draft , may invest in varieties including bank deposit , commercial notes , bank paper , large-value convertible deposit receipts , bonds , money market funds , bond-based funds , shares , global depository receipts , American Depository Receipts and stock-based funds .