
  • 网络Global Communication;Communication Around the World
  1. 从国际传播到全球传播:跨国公司的介入及其影响

    From International Communication to Global Communication : The Impact of Transnational Corporations

  2. 全球传播下的文化趋同

    Culture Cultural Convergence in A Global Communication Era

  3. 2010年,联合国新闻部(现全球传播部)宣布启动联合国语言日(LanguageDays)。联合国语言日的倡议旨在庆贺多种语文的使用和文化多样性,并促进六种官方语言在联合国的平等使用。

    Language Days at the United Nations seek to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity as well as to promote equal use of all six official languages throughout the Organization .

  4. 随着Internet的飞速发展,WORLDWIDEWEB已经发展成为全球传播与共享科研、教育、商业和社会生活等方面最重要和最具潜力的信息资源。

    As Internet rapidly developing , World Wide Web has already become the most important and potential information resources for global broadcasting , sharing scientific , educational , commercial information and entertainment .

  5. 传播学引入软力量(softpower)的分析方法,是最近几年的事情,就其理论应用而言,还仅停留在全球传播领域。

    Dissemination of a " soft power "( soft power ) analytical methods , the thing is in recent years , its theories , its also only remain in the field of global communications .

  6. 该病毒以其首次发现地命名,是第一个在全球传播的破坏性病毒。这种病毒会感染运行DOS操作系统的电脑。

    Named for the place it was first detected , this was the first destructive virus that spread around the globe .

  7. 随着甲型H1N1流感病毒继续在全球传播,开发一种针对这种流感的疫苗的竞赛已经是科学家重点考虑的事项。

    The race to develop a vaccine for swine flu has been at the forefront of scientists'minds this week as A ( H1N1 ) virus continues to spread around the globe .

  8. 甲型H1N1流感的全球传播没有表现出减缓的迹象,而非洲本周报告了首例确诊病例,该患者出现在埃及。

    The global spread of the swine flu influenza virus A ( H1N1 ) virus shows no sign of slowing as Africa reported its first confirmed case , in Egypt , this week .

  9. 劳拉·JV·皮多克是伯明翰大学的微生物学教授,也是抗生素运动的发起人。抗生素运动是一项英国主导的独立运动,致力于向全球传播抗生素抗药菌问题的严重性。

    Laura J V Piddock , professor of microbiology at the University of Birmingham , the United Kingdom , also heads up Antibiotic Action , an independent UK-led global initiative working to push home the gravity of this problem facing people the world over .

  10. 硬新闻及其翻译在新闻全球传播中扮演着极其重要的角色。

    Hard-news and its translation assume an important role in international news distribution .

  11. 强大的市场和技术力量正让积累的知识在全球传播。

    Powerful market and technological forces are spreading the stock of knowledge across the globe .

  12. 全球化的一个最根本特征就是现代性的全球传播和建构。

    Modern global communication and construction is one of the most fundamental feature of globalization .

  13. 全球传播中的媒介排斥主要表现在政治、经济和文化三个方面。

    Mass media exclusion in global communication manifests the aspects of polity , economy and culture .

  14. 大众文化全球传播视域中的民族传统文化&以美国影片《功夫熊猫》为中心的考察

    Traditional Culture in the Global Horizon of Pop-culture & A Study of American Movie Kung Fu Panda

  15. 科学家昨日警告称,一种对绝大多数抗生素都具有抗药性的新型细菌正向全球传播。

    A new form of bacteria resistant to most antibiotics is spreading worldwide , scientists warned yesterday .

  16. 全球传播治理:国际传播由制到治的范式转换

    Global Communications Governance : Paradigm Shift from " Control " to " Governance " in International Communication Management

  17. 同传统媒体相比,因特网具有多媒体、个性化、双向交互、实时传送、极大丰富、全球传播等特点,这正是它优于传统媒体的品质。

    Compared with traditional media , Internet is multimedia , personalized , interactive , timely , rich and global .

  18. 这个活动第一次举办是2007年在悉尼举行的,以后的日子里以惊人的速度在全球传播开来。

    Earth Hour first began in Sydney in2007 and after that , it spread around the world at an amazing speed .

  19. 伴随着不完善的医疗体系,贫穷和全球性的不公正都对加剧结核病的全球传播做。

    Alongside inadequate health care systems response , poverty and global inequity contribute to the worsening of the global TB situation .

  20. 他表示,中国将继续与其他国家保持开放透明的合作,遏制该病毒的全球传播。

    He says China will remain open and transparent in its cooperation with other countries to contain the global spread of the virus .

  21. 这种全球传播导致世卫组织呼吁提高警戒级别并最后宣布出现流感大流行。

    It is this global spread which led WHO to call for increasing phases and finally , to announce that a pandemic was underway .

  22. 在网络传播模式的冲击下,传统的传播模式受到极大颠覆,对外传播的形式也从国际传播模式走向了全球传播模式。

    With the competitive development of the networks communication pattern , the traditional propagation pattern has been greatly subverted to a global propagating pattern .

  23. 使得新闻发言人制度在全球传播时代的大环境下深化和拓展下去,使其在危机管理中发挥它的积极作用。

    That will help the press spokesman system to keep developing under the global transmission era environment , and to take positive effects in crisis management .

  24. 这种实时编辑和管理营销活动的能力和全球传播的能力是前所未有的,这一点非常激动人心。

    So this ability to edit and manage a campaign in real time , as it happens , and distribute that globally has never existed before .

  25. 新的致病的冠状病毒源于广东。这一中国省份常常向全球传播流感病毒。

    The novel coronavirus that causes the syndrome emerged from guangdong , the same Chinese province that delivers new flu viruses to the world most years .

  26. 随着猪流感在全球传播,科学家正在寻求积累对该病毒的了解&特别是它发生变异的可能性。

    As swine flu spreads around the globe , scientists are seeking to build their understanding of the virus & particularly the likelihood that it will mutate .

  27. 研究认为:1、啦啦操在美国起源,经过短短20多年的全球传播,已经发展成为一项世界性的体育运动。

    Study concluded that : 1 , Lala-speaking origin in the United States , after a short 20 years of global communications , has developed into a worldwide sport .

  28. 在此时代背景下,跨国传媒集团开始出现并获得空前发展,而以美国为核心的全球传播体系逐渐确立。

    Under such background , multinational media group began to appear and got unprecedented development . Global Communication System with the United States as the core has gradually established .

  29. 我们全都正在面对农业保障、传染病和慢性病的全球传播,以及开发低碳经济和适应气候变化的挑战。

    We are all facing agricultural insecurity , infectious and chronic diseases with global spread , and the challenges of developing a low carbon economy and adapting to climate change .

  30. 媒体的商业化衍生了以追求性、暴力和娱乐为主要内容的大众文化和主客体式全球传播模式。

    Derived from Media Business , mass culture mainly in pursuit of sex , violence and entertainment , as well as the Guest-host Global Communication mode has come into being .