
  • 网络descriptive explanation
  1. 对中美财经杂志业的内部生存和竞争状况进行描述性和解释性研究;

    Studying the competing actualities in finance & business magazine industries ;

  2. 调查研究法是科学研究中一个常用的方法,在描述性、解释性和探索性的研究中都可以运用调查研究的方法。

    Survey research is a commonly used method of scientific research , which is widespread use in descriptive 、 explanatory and exploratory study .

  3. 一种附加的描述性的解释或说明性注解。(四)附图说明:说明书有附图的,对各幅附图作简略说明;

    An added descriptive comment or explanatory note . ( 4 ) description of figures : briefly describing each figure in the drawings , if any ;

  4. 从探索性、描述性和解释性研究,非实验研究,实验与准实验研究等方面,对适于进行自立研究的方法进行了探讨,以期推动自立研究。

    This paper discusses self-supporting studies from the aspects of exploratory research , descriptive research , interpretative research , non-experimental method , experimental method , and quasi-experimental method .

  5. 后者涉及3种译法,适用于翻译多数非限制性定语从句和一些描述性或解释性较强的限制性定语从句。

    The latter involves three techniques applicable to the translation of most non-restrictive attributive clauses and some restrictive ones which have , to some extent , a property of description or explanation .

  6. 第一,家族企业为什么选择关系型交易行为和关系治理?企业组织形式的决定因素是什么?现有的主流企业理论在回答这些问题时,只有一些描述性的解释,而没有相应的模型设定和印证。

    What is the deciding factor of forms of business organizations ? The mainstream of existing business theory only some descriptive explanation to answer these questions , and no corresponding model creation and confirmed .

  7. 在分析方法上,通过理论分析描述性分析解释性分析对称性分析形成有序链条,将发展型社会政策的理论吸纳进社会政策的设计之中。

    In the analysis through theoretical analysis - descriptive analysis - explanatory analysis - symmetry analysis of the formation of an orderly chain , will be the development of theory-based social policies to absorb into the design of social policies .

  8. 城市旅游研究应在宏观与微观的结合中从描述性阶段走向解释性阶段。

    Urban tourism study should go from descriptive stage to explanatory stage based on the macro and micro combinations .

  9. 关联理论认为交际分为两种不同模式:描述性运用及解释性运用。

    Relevance theory claims that communications fall naturally into two distinct modes of language use : descriptive use and interpretive use .