
  1. 第二章分析狄金森诗歌的死亡主题的艺术传达。从描写角度和艺术构思以及艺术语言来系统分析。

    Chapter Two Analyzes the artistic transmission of Dickinson 's Death-Themed poems , Carries on a systematic analysis on different aspects from the description angle and the artistic idea as well as the artistic language .

  2. 本文在详细描写的角度上进行理论的分析和综合,既展示语言事实,又体现了理论的概括性。

    Detailed description that displays language facts is integrated with theoretical interpretation that analyzes and synthesizes relevant facts .

  3. 景物描写与审美角度的选择

    On Scenery Description and Choice of Aesthetic Point of View

  4. 从方言语汇的重视及人物语言、叙述语言和描写语言的角度具体分析了阎连科抗争小说的语言特色。

    They will be specifically analyzed in dialects speeches narrative language and descriptive language respectively .

  5. 关联核模型很好地描写了大角度处高能强子-核散射。

    The correlated nuclear model can describe high energy hadron-nucleus scattering at large angles very well .

  6. 从鲁迅小说看艺术描写及描写的角度

    On Artistic Description and Angle of Description from Luxun 's Novels

  7. 本文从事件表征、背景描写和推理的角度探讨了转喻在叙事语篇建构中的作用。

    This paper explores the role of metonymy in constructing narrative discourse from the angles of event representation , background description , and inference .

  8. 第三章,对双宾结构内各小类动词的语义特征及构成双宾结构的句式语义作分析描写,从语义角度解释双宾结构内部小类的差异。

    Chapter Three , we describe and analyse the verbs in the double objects constructions and the semantic of the constructions . We explain the differences of the verbs from the angle of semantic .

  9. 第二章至第五章,从服饰描写的个性化进程角度切入,探讨明清通俗小说人物服饰描写艺术发展概况,兼及服饰描写反映的相关文化内涵。

    From the aspect of individualization of garment description , Chapter II to Chapter V make a general survey of the artistic development of garment description in popular fictions in Ming and Qing dynasties and the associated cultural connotation reflected in these descriptions .