
  • 网络Identification;inimitable symbol
  1. 但是,iPhone7Plus搭载的双镜头系统使其极具辨识度。

    The dual camera on the iPhone 7 Plus , however , makes it instantly recognisable .

  2. 微软应该找到一种方法,使Windows在可穿戴技术领域成为像它在个人电脑技术领域一样具有辨识度的产品。

    Microsoft ought to find a way to make Windows as identifiable with wearable technology as it is with the personal computer .

  3. 利昂内尔·梅西(LionelMessi)、克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(CristianoRonaldo)和内马尔(Neymar)等球星的名字在世界各地都如雷贯耳,辨识度堪比好莱坞明星。

    The likes of Lionel Messi , Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar are international brands , as recognizable as any Hollywood star .

  4. 黄律师表示,由于QQ在中国的普及度,用户听到这个声音后就能直接对应QQ即时通讯服务,这意味着它的确具备辨识度。

    According to Huang , due to QQ 's popularity in China , the public has already connected the beeping sound with QQ 's services , which means it does possess distinctiveness .

  5. 卡尔·拉格菲尔德(KarlLagerfeld)可以说是世界上辨识度最高的时装设计师。在索拉里街芬迪(Fendi)总部后面一个办公室里,助手把别人送给他的伯曼猫舒佩特(Choupette)的礼物交给他。

    Karl Lagerfeld , arguably the most recognizable fashion designer in the world , is in a back office at Fendi 's headquarters on the Via Solari , receiving from an assistant a gift someone has sent for his Birman , Choupette .

  6. 对于复杂图像,一般来说一个特征是很难具有足够辨识度的。

    For complex images , a single feature can not have enough recognition .

  7. 除了极具辨识度的嗓音,帕尔哈提的音乐也与众不同。

    Despite his unmistakable voice , Parhat Halik 's music is also special .

  8. 让黄总队看起来与他同班同学如此不同的是一个辨识度极高的标志。

    There are a number of subtle indicators that distinguish Huang from his classmates .

  9. 你们认为他是你们之中辨识度最高的名人吗?

    Would you say he 's the most recognizable celebrity out of the group ?

  10. 我们对地域特征的辨识度越来越低,对地域性文化的认同出现危机。

    We become less insensitive to regional characteristics and our identity for the regional cultural presents a crisis .

  11. 好的品牌能给旅游目的地增加辨识度和知名度,提高游客的体验质量。

    A good brand can increase tourism destination recognization and popularity and can improve visitors quality of experience .

  12. 红色的“马路主人”巴士是伦敦永恒不变的标志之一,它的线条优美的轮廓像大笨钟一样具有辨识度。

    THE red Routemaster bus is one of London 's abiding icons , its curvaceous silhouette as recognisable as Big Ben .

  13. 手袋以纸牌中的黑桃为品牌标识,呼应了斯佩德这个姓氏,风格独特且很有辨识度。

    It is recognisable for its distinctive logo which features the spades playing card symbol , in reference to the designer 's surname .

  14. 全车前后左右上均以夜间高反光材质建构于绑带系统及车架布料,增加夜间辨识度。

    On the entire vehicle we use high reflection materials in the bandage system and frame fabric , increases the visibility at night .

  15. 由于水质评价的结果辨识度不够理想,采用了神经网络集成的方法进行水质评价。

    Because of the unsuitable resolving power of the water quality estimation result , the neutral network compositive method was used to achieve estimation .

  16. 过山车般的结构,为学校建立了一个有趣的形象,不仅辨识度很高,也非常收学生的欢迎。

    The rollercoaster-like structure presents a highly recognizable identity to the school as well as a fun image that was widely welcomed by the students .

  17. 目前在山景城工作的近1.5万名谷歌员工被分散在数座低矮的办公楼里,这些楼大同小异,缺乏辨识度。

    The company has nearly 15,000 workers in Mountain View spread across a hodgepodge of dozens of low slung corporate buildings that are if anything , undistinguished .

  18. 克里斯多弗·惠尔登将指导和编排该音乐剧,里面可能包含一些出自杰克逊音乐视频和巡演中的一些辨识度很强的舞蹈。

    Christopher Wheeldon will direct and choreograph the show , which is likely to contain some of the recognisable dances moves from Jackson 's music videos and tours .

  19. 这套全身连衣裙同与其搭配的帽子深受女王喜爱,多在公共场合穿着,这已成为了她个人的标签,具有极高的辨识度。

    The head-to-toe , colour-blocked daywear and matching hats that the monarch favours for her public engagements have become her personal brand . It is an instantly recognisable style .

  20. 他那辨识度极高的男中音可能是詹姆斯·梅森电影里最珍贵的声音了,而且他的声音可以变化多样,从小众的迷人到绝对的惊悚。

    He has that instantly recognisable baritone , maybe the most treasurable voice in the movies this side of James Mason , and such a rich gallery of parts from the eccentrically endearing to the downright terrifying .

  21. 不过,尽管邦辰已经声名显赫,成为维密最具辨识度的模特之一,但是最终她厌倦了这种生活方式和做维密天使的种种要求。

    However , despite making a name for herself as one of the brand 's most recognizable models , B ü ndchen eventually grew tired of the lifestyle and the demands that came with being an angel .

  22. 电影作为一种文化商品,其创造出的生动且辨识度高的银幕形象不但能成为一种跨越国籍的民族符号,而且具有消费价值。

    Film as a cultural commodity , has created a vivid , and high identification of screen image , and it will not only become a national symbol of the cross-nationality , but also has somewhat consumption value .

  23. 熊丙奇,21世纪教育研究院副院长,一个涉及教育和公共政策研究方面的非营利组织,他说今天科学缺乏辨识度的原因在于中国教育系统的本质。

    Xiong Bingqi , vice head of the 21st Century Education Research Institute , a non-profit organization featuring researches on education and public policy , said a reason for the lack of recognition in science today is the nature of China 's education system .

  24. 瑞典披萨辨识度高,组合包罗万象,有番茄酱、芝士、香蕉、酸豆、鸡肉、火腿、鳄梨色拉酱、洋葱等,精心挑选、种类繁多、颇具异域风情,披萨名还很有意思。

    The Swedish pizza is recognizable , but yet the myriad combinations of tomato sauce , cheese , banana , capers , chicken , ham , guacamole , onions , etc. , which provides a pleasant process of selection , choices , exoticism and naming .

  25. 进而,本文提出了相关政策建议,包括:完善碳税机制、改革能源资源定价机制、完善其他激励约束机制、加强对地方政府的规制、提高政策的区域辨识度等政策建议。

    Furthermore , the relevant policy recommendations are proposed in this paper including perfecting the mechanism of carbon tax , reforming the pricing mechanism of energy resources , improving some other incentives and restraint mechanisms , strengthening local government regulation , improving policy of regional recognition .

  26. 她被誉为是世界上最有辨识度与影响力女艺人之一。《时代周刊》将她选入2013年度和2014年度最有影响力的一百人之列,《福布斯》将她评为2015年度最有力量的女音乐家。

    She is one of the most recognized , decorated and influential female artists in the world with Time attributing her as being one of the top 100 most influential people in 2013 and 14 and Forbes stating that she was 2015 's most powerful female musician .

  27. 由于仅输入较少数量的图像,再加上噪声的影响,得到的点云模型分布不均、辨识度很低。(2)第二步,采用基于片的多视角立体视觉算法进行稠密重建。

    Because of inputting only a small number of images , coupled with the impact of noise , the point clouds model in uneven distribution has low effect . ( 2 ) The second step , we use patch-based MVS algorithm to reconstruct a dense point clouds model .

  28. 给出了算例,经参数辨识准度分析,辨识结果是合理的。

    It is reasonable . is it reasonable ? The results of identification are reasonable .

  29. 利用模糊神经网络模型来辨识冗余度变几何桁架机器人的逆动力学模型,用常规反馈控制器完成外部干扰的补偿和闭环控制。

    The fuzzy neural network model is used to identify inverse dynamic model of redundant variable geometry truss manipulators , and conventional feedback controller is applied to compensation of external interference and close loop control .

  30. 为了提高热物性参数辨识的准确度,将遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm)应用于热物性参数辨识,提出了完整的数学模型。

    In order to improve the accuracy of thermophysical parameter identification , the genetic algorithm was applied to it and a complete mathematic model was presented .