
  • 网络literature discrimination studies
  1. 辨伪学也是其文献学概念所包涵的具体内容。

    Distinguishing Pseudoscience also was part of his literature philology .

  2. 诸子学研究与胡适的疑古辨伪学

    On Research of the School of Zhu Zi and Hu Shi 's Yi Gu

  3. 《杜诗详注》的收获和失误:研究成果具有资料学、版本学、辨伪学、辑轶学方面的价值;

    Obtainment and lapsus of " Detailed annotation of Du Fu 's Poem ": Research fruits possess the values from material study , edition study , fake-distinguishing study and anecdote-editing study ;

  4. 明代中后期,文献学家胡应麟所著的《四部正讹》是我国第一部辨伪专书,在中国辨伪学史上起到承前启后的作用。

    In the late Ming Dynasty , the philologist & Yinglin Hu wrote Si Bu Zheng E which was the first monograph on distinguishing false .

  5. 晁公武依靠自身丰富的学识和严谨的治学态度,利用多种辨伪方法校雠考订伪书,为辨伪学的发展作出了巨大贡献。

    Chao Gongwu depends upon own rich knowledge and rigorous doing scholarly research manner . He uses many kinds of distinguishing the false method to examine the false book , and makes the tremendous contribution for development of the distinguished the false scholarship .