- 网络opacity;opaque;alpha

Second , using index file and opacity curve to translate data to index .
Draw a white line as image below and reduce its Opacity to60 degree .
Experiment to Increase Opacity of Bible Paper with M , P Filler
The Average Atomic Model for Calculating Opacities of Al Plasmas
Set the " Sketch " Opacity to20 % . Use the Pen Tool ( P ) to draw the head shape .
Radiative Opacity of High Temperature Mg Plasma Calculated by DTA Model
Studies on the Open-M-Shell Opacities of Mid-Z Plasmas Using Detailed Line Accounting Models
Radiative Opacity For High Z Elements
Effect of Opacity on the Maximum Absolute Bolometric Magnitude of Ia Supernova
The Influences of OPAL Opacities on Stellar Structure and Evolution Models
Under local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions ( LET ), the improved average atomic model is used to calculate opacities of Fe and Al plasmas at higher temperature and density .
The calculation of opacity about dense argon plasma Hugoniot data and shock temperatures of the shock generated Ar plasma were measured in this work .
Theoretical calculation of mean opacity of gold mixtures
Approximate calculation of Planck and Rosseland mean opacities of ne , ar , kr , xe plasmas
NBKP contributes to the paper strength . The bulk property and opacity are endowed with by APMP and DIP .
Tio2 , commonly called Titanium Dioxide , has a high level of whiteness , reducing power , opacity and chemical stability , which is irreplaceable white pigment with the highest performance in the world today .
It is certain that the results of SHML model are better than these of SHM model .
The data set composed of all voxels ' illuminations ( RGB ) and opacities α is projected from object space into view space by textures mapping , and is blended from back to front along view direction into 2D image with 3D vision effect .
The frequency-dependent opacities and the Rosseland mean opacity for mixture of inertia elements Ar , Kr , Xe are studied using the splitting screened hydrogenic model .
Rosseland mean opacities _R ( T , lg P_e ) [ see Table 2 ] in unit of one H particle are calculated in this paper for the atmosphere of the solar type [ see Table 1 ] .
The soft X-ray transmission grating spectrometer has been the core instrument in ICF experiments , it has been used in the fields of hohlraum physics , X-ray radiation transportation , radiation ablation , and so on .
Theoretical study of mean opacity of Au-Gd mixture
The change of opacity with the basis weight fits the Boltzmann function with the relativity of 99.98 % , indicating that basis weight plays a decisive role on the opacity value while the influence of scattering coefficient can be ignored .
Calculations of Rosseland and Planck mean opacities for Ne , Ar , Kr , Xe plasmas with high temperature and great density have been carried out on the basis of the average atom model and the hydrogen like photoabsorption coefficients .
Replacing a certain percentage of aspen bleached kraft pulp with aspen P-RC APMP improves not only pulp bulk , light scattering , and opacity , but tensile , tensile energy absorption and stretch as well .
Focused on poplar APMP with the beating degree of 65 ° SR , the content of fines passing through 200-mesh sieve was determined by screening experiment and the effects of fines on handsheet performance , such as tensile strength , tear strength , tightness and opacity were also studied .
The study shows that the UVD aid and the double polymer of UVD-PC can be used as a new chemical aid of light duty decorating paper to improve the dry , wtt strength and opacity of paper .
Change layer 's Opacity to16 % and Fill to0 % .
Experimental Study on Radiative Opacity and State Diagnostics for Laser-produced Plasma
Investigation of the measurement technique of dual point projection spectroscopy ;