
  • 网络falsifiability;refutability;Falsification
  1. 阴谋理论,科学哲学,可证伪性,社会。

    Conspiracy Theory , Philosophy of science , Falsifiability , Society .

  2. 一个理论的好坏不是取决于它已经获得了多少证据的支持,而是取决于它的可证伪性程度和它所受到的检验的严峻性程度。

    The criterion of a theory is not the evidence that it has gained , but is the degree of its falsification and the strictness of its testing .

  3. 根据科学家卡尔.波普尔(KarlPopper)的科学哲学观,任何科学理论都有其可证伪性。

    According to the scientific philosophical view of Karl Popper , any scientific theory has its " falsification quality " .

  4. 乔姆斯基在这里提出了,对不可证伪性的质疑。

    What Skinner & What Chomsky is raising here is the concern of unfalsifiablity .

  5. 波普哲学是对当代经济哲学研究影响最大的科学哲学,特别是他的可证伪性原则。

    Popper philosophy affects on contemporary economics philosophy mostly , especially of his falsification criterion .

  6. 布莱克的纯粹法社会学理论具有科学理论的一般特征:可证伪、具有普遍性、简洁、真实、新颖。

    Black purely sociological theory of a scientific theory as the general characteristics : Falsification , universal , simple and true , is novel .

  7. 不是追求理论的可证实性,而是追求理论的可证伪性。

    Not in pursuit of verification , but of falsification .

  8. 然而,科学理论的内容丰富程度与逻辑概率之间呈反变关系,因此,科学理论的可接受性标准不是理论的可证实性,而是理论的可证伪性;

    Nevertheless , the abundance of theoretical contents is inversely proportional to logical probability . So the criterion of acceptability of scientific theory is not verification , but falsification .