
kě jiǎn yàn xìng
  • testability;detectability
可检验性[kě jiǎn yàn xìng]
  1. 一般来说,实在论的含义比较模糊,但实在能通过真理、可检验性等概念在语义学中得到严格的规定。

    Reality can be defined in semantics by the conception of truth , testability etc , though the meaning of realism is vague .

  2. 不是。和人们常常所说的不同,可检验性其实不稀奇,

    No. Contrary to what 's usually said , testability is common ,

  3. 功能性规律的逻辑解读及可检验性分析

    Logical Interpreting and Examinable Analyzing of the Functional Laws

  4. 设立具体明确、具有可检验性的创新战略目标;

    Make strategic goals concrete , clear and testable ;

  5. 伪科学的本质特征是不可检验性和以假冒真的欺骗性;

    The essential characteristic of pseudo-science is not the examination and pretends the real fraudulence ;

  6. 客观性概念在波普尔批判理性主义的科学哲学中占有重要地位,在其理论的不同层面具有不同的涵义。在本体论层面,客观性是指世界3的主体间可检验性;

    The concept of objectivity is very important in Popper ′ s critical rationalism philosophy and it has different meanings in different aspects .

  7. 建立了机场货物吞吐量的灰色预测模型-GM(1,1)模型,对机场货物吞吐量进行了预测。表明该方法具有所需原始数据少、原理简单、运算方便、预测精度高和可检验性等优点。

    The paper establishes grey forecasting model GM ( 1.1 ) for freight handling capacity so as to forecast freight capacity in the airport .

  8. 理论具有客观真理性、可检验性、逻辑系统性和主体际性等特性,也正是理论的这些特性,为理论接受的过程分析提供了可能;

    Scientific theory is of truth , verification , logic systemizing and intersubjectivity and the peculiarities make possible to analyze the course of acceptance of theory .

  9. 同样,有关法学理论的建构应当符合抽象性、一般性、客观性、可检验性、开放性的理论特质以及具备基本假定、概念、现象范围、特定理论、问题、检验方法、价值观念等逻辑要素。

    And it should also have basic assumption , definition , scope of phenomena , specific theories , questions , test methods and concept of values .

  10. 主体间可检验性·批判的可靠性·符合事实性&论波普尔科学哲学中客观性概念的三重涵义

    Testability between subjects · Reliability of criticism · According with facts & On the three meanings of the concept of objectivity in Popper ′ s scientific philosophy

  11. 而那些花了一年时间做研究和教学的学生在提出可检验性假设和有效实验设计中有很大提高。

    And those grad students who spent the year doing research and teaching showed bigger improvements in coming up with testable hypotheses and in the design of valid experiments .

  12. 他们为解决知识经验基础问题确立了可检验性经验标准,对归纳推理、规律概念等有关知识预言性问题进行了深入研究。

    In order to resolve empirical foundation of knowledge , modern empiricist established the testable criterion , make a large study the inductive reasoning , scientific law etc , which be connect with the predictability of knowledge .

  13. 为了控制教育学教材知识点的质量,我们在教材编选时必须把定知识点的结构性、可检验性以及教学适宜性三个标准。

    To control the quality of the knowledge points , we must stick to the standards of the structure , the test and the teaching fitness when we choose the knowledge points in compiling the textbooks of pedagogy .

  14. 其局限性是模糊、不可检验、封闭性。

    But it is vague , closed and can not be tested .

  15. 通过提取文本的分块特征,结合密钥技术,该方案能够有效地检测文本是否被窜改,并能定位窜改发生的位置,从而可达到检验文本完整性的目的。

    Our scheme can detect and locate the tampering of the text by combining the cryptography with the content-features extracted from the text .

  16. CMMI和ISO9000规定良好的开发过程必须具备的性质(软件、集成和IT过程的可重复性和可检验性)。

    CMMI and ISO9000 give direction on what a good development process must have ( repeatability and verifiability of software , integration , and IT processes ) .

  17. 科学同其它学科一样,其起源和具体形态的演化都的确受到特定社会环境的影响,但是科学是寻求确定性的学科,它具有经验性、精确性、可预言性和可检验性。

    Compared with the others subjects , although the origin and the specific forms of evolution of the science are indeed affected by social environment , the science is empirical , accurate , predictable and verifiable discipline .

  18. 由于野外露头具有直观性、可测性、完整性、精确性、可检验性以及便于不同比例尺研究的特性,因此野外露头是建立各种地质模型最为理想的模板(原型)。

    Since Outcrop has the property of visibility , measurability , integrity , accuracy , testability and being researched by various scales and precision , the outcrop is the most ideal prototype of establishing diverse geological models .