
chéng fāng
  • power;involution
乘方 [chéng fāng]
  • (1) [involution]∶将某个量或符号提升到任意指定次幂或对它施加一个指定指数的行为或过程

  • (2) [power]∶ n 个 a 相乘的积称为 a 的 n 次幂

乘方[chéng fāng]
  1. 关于函数图形乘、除、乘方的几何画法

    The Geometric Descriptions concerning the Multiplication Division and Involution of the Functional Figures

  2. 差分方式为乘方格式,计算网格取为19×17×26。

    The difference scheme is of an involution one with a calculation net of 19 × 17 × 16 being adopted .

  3. 我们乘方头平底小船在河上游览了一天。

    We spent the day punting on the river .

  4. 乘方和QUICK格式在非对称扩压器内流动计算的比较

    Power-law and quick schemes in numerical study of nonsymmetry diffuser

  5. QUICK和乘方格式在顶盖驱动方腔流动数值计算中的比较

    Comparison between QUICK and Power-law Schemes in Numerical Computations for Lid-driven Cavity Flows

  6. 实现自然数M次乘方和开M次方计算的增广PETRI网模型

    Two extended Petri net models implementing the involution and the extraction of natural numbers

  7. 基于递推最小二乘方(RLS)的自适应差分脉冲码调制(ADPCM)仿真,其信号输入RLS自适应前向滤波器。

    For the simulation of ADPCM based on RLS , the signal was inputted into the RLS adaptive-direction filter .

  8. 本文叙述了具有恒定群时延特性的IIR数字滤波器的设计原理和方法,扼要讨论了用最小p乘方误差准则的近似问题以及稳定性问题。

    This paper introduces the principle and method for the design of IIR digital filter with constant group delay . The approximation problem using the minimum p-error criterion and the stability problem are discussed .

  9. Kappa乘积法在寡聚体变构酶反应速度方程中的应用二进制乘方、乘积速算法

    THE APPLICATION OF KAPPA PRODUCT TO THE REACTION RATE EQUATION OF OLIGOMER ALLOSTERIC ENZYMES The Method of Fast Calculation of Square and Multiplication on Binary Number System

  10. 人工制作模拟裂纹,由等差线得到最大剪应力值,根据泰勒级数修正法用最小二乘方原理确定K1的实验值,其精度符合工程要求。

    The maximum shearing stress was obtained from isochromatic fringe . The experimental values K , were determined by the Taylor series correction method ( TSCM ) on the principle of least square . This accuracy meets the requirements of engineering problems .

  11. 推导了非均分网格系统中QUICK格式附加源项的表达式,并用QUICK和乘方两种差分格式,分别对不同网格数下的二维、三维顶盖驱动方腔流动进行了数值计算。

    Expressions of the additional source terms for QUICK scheme in nonuniform grid system are derived in the paper . Numerical computations are carried out for two and three dimensional lid driven flows in square and cubic cavities using different grid numbers respectively by QUICK and power law schemes .

  12. 该文研究OFDM系统中低复杂性最小二乘方(LS)信道估计技术,为了改善LS估计的OFDM在严重多径信道中错误平底效应,分集接收和Turbo乘积编码用于系统设计。

    The low-complexity Least Square ( LS ) channel estimation in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) is studied in this paper . To reduce the error floor of OFDM with LS channel estimation , the diversity reception and turbo product coding are used in system design .

  13. 本文给出了几类伪随机稀疏序列,它们分别是:乘积序列,自缩乘积序列,自扩序列,其于GF(2m)上m序列的稀疏序列,和基于乘方剩余符号的稀疏序列。

    This paper presents several classes of pseudo sparse sequences , named respectively product sequences , self shrinking product sequences , self expanding sequences , sparse sequences based on GF ( 2 m ) , and sparse sequences based on power residue symbol .

  14. 同时结果表明,LHDS计算精度高于乘方格式和迎风格式,可以在较大速度范围内得到足够精度的计算结果。

    The computation results agree well with the results in the reference . And the computation accuracy of the LHDS is higher than that of PLDS and UDS . The LHDS can get enough computation accuracy in a big range of velocity .

  15. 最小一乘方松弛计算法

    The Relaxation Method for the Least One - power

  16. 在牛津,我们去河里乘方头浅平底船。

    We go punt on the river at oxford .

  17. 最小二乘方图像复原方法的改进

    Improvement on least square methods for image restoration

  18. 求二进制数的乘方和开方的方法有多种。

    There are various ways of obtaining the powers and roots of binary numbers .

  19. 计算循环置换乘方的线性算法及其形式推导

    A Linear Algorithm for the Cyclic Permutation to the N and Its Formal Derivation

  20. 比这宇宙的年纪乘方还要久。

    Longer than the age of this universe times the age of the universe .

  21. 利用最小二乘方原理推求单位线

    Ascertain Unit Hydrograph with Least Square Theory

  22. 高有效位数的加、减、乘、除、乘方和阶乘运算法

    Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division , Involution and Factorial of High Effective Locations

  23. 最小二乘方最佳拟合

    Least-square best fit least squares collocation

  24. 被提升到各种乘方上,产生数字系统内基本计算规则的数字。

    The number that is raised to various powers to generate the principal counting units of a number system .

  25. 提出了在洪水频率计算时适线法中最小二乘方的一种新的求解方法,并对其特性进行分析。

    A new method of least square is raised in curve fitting of flood frequency calculating and its specific properties are analysed .

  26. 避免了转轴运算,使计算量大为减少,并证明了算法的全局收敛性。高有效位数的加、减、乘、除、乘方和阶乘运算法

    Global convergence of the algorithm has been proved . Addition , Subtraction , Multiplication , Division , Involution and Factorial of High Effective Locations

  27. 在本文中,利用最小二乘方原理并结合语音信号非平稳的特点,对混合语音信号进行实时分离。

    In this paper , real-time separation is conducted using the principal of least square as well as the fact that the speech signal is non-stationary .

  28. 基于幅值乘方理论,提出表面肌电信号的预处理算法。

    And the reason of poor effect of traditional algorithm is analyzed . ( 4 ) Based on amplitude power theory , the preprocessing algorithm of sEMG signal is proposed .

  29. 本章的目的在于向读者介绍用数字技术实现二进制乘法的各种方法。求二进制数的乘方和开方的方法有多种。

    The purpose of this chapter is to provide the reader with repertoire of digital implementation techniques of binary multiplication . There are various ways of obtaining the powers and roots of binary numbers .

  30. 自然稀疏法则描述在对数座标系上种群密度按植物平均重的-3/2乘方减少的过程。

    The self-thinning rule , a universal biological law in an even-aged plant population , describes decreasing processes of population densities at - 3 / 2 power of plant mean weight on log-log graph .