
chéng jī
  • product
乘积 [chéng jī]
  • [product] 由两个或两个以上的数或量相乘所得出的数或量

乘积[chéng jī]
  1. 二十二是十一和二的乘积。

    Twenty-two is the product of eleven and two .

  2. 三角形的面积等于任何一边与那边上的高的乘积的一半。

    The area of a triangle is equal to half the product of any side and the altitude on that side .

  3. Fuzzy转移测度与非乘积Fuzzy测度空间

    Fuzzy transition measure and non-product fuzzy measure space

  4. 不定积分的Fuzzy扩张运算模糊集乘积的扩张运算

    Fuzzy Extend Operation for Indefinite Integral The Extension Operations of the Fuzzy Sets Product

  5. 最大乘积型Fuzzy上下无关文法与下推自动机

    Max-product Fuzzy Context-free Grammars and Pushdown Automata

  6. Fuzzy映射和乘积Fuzzy测度

    Fuzzy Mapping and Product Fuzzy Measures

  7. 对某些序列a,b,完全刻画了它们的乘积序列a·b的线性复杂性。

    For some sequences a , b , we have characterized the linear complexity of the product sequence ab.

  8. 特征值估计的k对角乘积定理

    The k Diagonal Product Theorem of Eigenvalue Estimations

  9. TH型区间值模糊正规子群的乘积与同态象定理

    The Product and the Theorem of the Image of Homomorphism of T H-Interval-Valued Fuzzy Normal Subgroups

  10. Turbo乘积码译码的FPGA实现研究

    The FPGA Implementation Research of the Decoding on Turbo Product Code

  11. 基于Turbo乘积码的自适应编码调制技术研究

    Research on Adaptive Coded Modulation Technique Based on Turbo Product Codes

  12. 此外,我们还对任意两个有理函数的Fourier变换给出了乘积。

    Moreover , we give the product for the Fourier transformations of any two rational functions .

  13. 并根据n次积分C半群与C半群的关系得到了n次积分C半群的两个乘积扰动定理。

    By the relations of n-times integrated C-semigroups and C-semigroups , the two product perturbation theories for n-times integrated C-semigroups are also obtained .

  14. 矩阵乘积AB和BA的相关性质

    Some Properties of the Product of Matrices AB and BA

  15. 单校验码为子码的多维Turbo乘积码性能分析

    The Performance of Multidimensional Turbo Product Codes with Single Parity Codes as Subcode

  16. 乘积就是变化产生的影响,改变u,f也改变。

    The product is the effect of how you change it , changing u , and therefore changing f.

  17. 基于比特交织和调制分集的Turbo乘积编码调制系统性能

    Performance Analysis of Turbo Product Coded Modulation Based on Bit Interleaving and Modulation Diversity

  18. 基于LS信道估计和分集接收的Turbo乘积编码OFDM系统的性能研究

    Study on Performance of Turbo Product Coded OFDM with LS Channel Estimation and Diversity Reception

  19. 用Tensor乘积法构造整谱有向图

    Constructing integral directed graphs by Tensor product methods

  20. 本文定义了有限乘积空间X×Y上的qλ~-测度和Shannon熵,证明了有限乘积空间上的gλ~-测度是独立的充要条件。

    In this paper , the g λ - measures and Shannon entropy on finite product space are defined .

  21. 正则Cosine算子函数的乘积扰动定理

    Multiplicative Perturbation Theorems for Regularized Cosine Operator Functions

  22. 本文得到了一族新的序列图,即乘积图Pm×C(2n+1)。

    In this paper , a new class of sequential graphs is obtained . The result is that : P_m × C_ ( 2n + 1 ) are sequential graphs .

  23. 文章给出全体n阶复循环矩阵与一个置换矩阵乘积的集的特征矢的计算公式。

    The formulas of how to calculate the characteristic vectors of the product sets of the circulant matries and a permutative matrix are given in the paper .

  24. 乘积空间上的一类Hardy型空间

    Hardy - Type Spaces on the Product Spaces

  25. SLUG试井污染检测乘积图版及其应用

    Multiplication curve of slug well test of the damage detect and its application

  26. 本文主要研究Turbo乘积码在中继通信系统中的应用。

    This major researches the applications of Turbo product codes ( TPC ) in the relay communication system .

  27. 一场关于P-N结边界上np乘积的争论直到1980年底仍在继续。

    The argument about np product at P-N junction boundary has been still proceeding .

  28. Turbo乘积码技术及其在B3G移动通信系统中的应用

    Turbo Product Code Techniques and Their Applications in Beyond Third Generation Mobile Communication Systems

  29. 利用限幅器改善Rayleigh衰落信道中Turbo乘积编码PSAM系统的性能

    Improving performance of Turbo product coded PSAM using clipper in Rayleigh fading channels

  30. Turbo乘积码是一类易于硬件实现高速迭代译码的分组码,本文对单校验码为子码的高维Turbo乘积码的软输入软输出迭代译码算法进行了详细的分析。

    Turbo product codes are a kind of block codes , which can be decoded at high speed by hardware .