
chéng kè
  • passenger
乘客 [chéng kè]
  • [passenger] 乘坐公共交通工具的人

乘客[chéng kè]
  1. 这家航空公司被指责将乘客安全当儿戏。

    The airline was accused of playing Russian roulette with passenger safety .

  2. 我把乘客门撞坏了一点。

    I dinged my passenger door .

  3. 出租车司机在车站接了一名乘客。

    The taxi driver picked up a fare at the station .

  4. 座位向前放倒,好让乘客进入车的后部。

    The seat tips forward to allow passengers into the back .

  5. 此时乘客们对延误已开始感到不满。

    By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay .

  6. 乘客取消航班订位,定金概不退还。

    If you cancel your flight , you will forfeit your deposit .

  7. 指示灯未熄灭之前乘客不许抽烟。

    Passengers must not smoke until the signs have been switched off .

  8. 有两名乘客仍被困在失事的车辆里。

    Two passengers are still trapped in the wreck .

  9. 在超过90华氏度的高温下,乘客热得要命。

    Passengers sweltered in temperatures of over 90 ˚ F.

  10. 乘客在莫里特站下车。

    Passengers are set down at Molete Motor Park .

  11. 飞机坠毁,机上157名乘客全部遇难。

    The plane crashed killing all 157 passengers aboard .

  12. 渡海时风浪很大,多数乘客看上去脸色发青。

    It was a rough crossing and most of the passengers looked distinctly green .

  13. 这辆公共汽车能坐42名乘客。

    The bus can carry 42 seated passengers .

  14. 两名乘客遭劫机者杀害。

    Two passengers were slain by the hijackers .

  15. 乘客只有在正式车站方可上下车。

    Passengers may be set down and picked up only at the official stops .

  16. 乘客中没有人严重受伤。

    None of the passengers were badly hurt .

  17. 长途航班上的乘客须注意可能出现深静脉血栓。

    Passengers on long-haul flights are being warned about the risks of deep vein thrombosis .

  18. 公共汽车从后面撞来,出租车上的两位乘客受了伤。

    Two passengers were injured when their taxi was rammed from behind by a bus .

  19. 这辆公共汽车可载60名乘客。

    The bus can take 60 passengers .

  20. 这架飞机可容纳大约300名乘客。

    The plane holds about 300 passengers .

  21. 乘客们正在候机。

    Passengers are waiting to board .

  22. 五岁以下儿童乘客免费。

    Children under five travel free .

  23. 乘坐英国航空公司199次班机飞往罗马的乘客,这是最后一次通知登机。

    This is the last call for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome .

  24. 乘客被要求先确认自己的旅行箱再送上飞机。

    Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the plane .

  25. 这架飞机能坐200名乘客。

    The aircraft seats 200 passengers .

  26. 船长知道一台发动机出了故障,不过他不想惊动乘客。

    The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn 't want to alarm the passengers .

  27. 所有的乘客那天一开始就先游了个泳。

    All of the passengers started the day with a swim .

  28. 船长命令所有乘客和船员都进入救生艇。

    The captain ordered all passengers and crew into lifeboats .

  29. 英国会对运载证件不齐全的乘客进入国内的航空公司课以罚款。

    Britain imposed fines on airlines which bring in passengers without proper papers

  30. 每位乘客可带两件30公斤的行李。

    Each passenger was allowed two 30-kg pieces of luggage .