
zhāo hún
  • Evocation;call back the spirit of the dead
招魂 [zhāo hún]
  • [call back the spirit of the dead] 迷信的人指招回死者的灵魂,比喻给死亡的事物复活造声势

招魂[zhāo hún]
  1. 以文字为失去的土地招魂&萧红之于东北作家群的意义

    Call back the spirit of the dead for the lost land with the writing & Xiao Hong ' significance to northeast writer group

  2. 全新的魔法元素包括招魂,幻象和强大的神器。

    All New Elements of Magic including Necromancy , Illusions and powerful Artifacts .

  3. 在《招魂》中,莉莉?泰勒(LiliTaylor)与罗恩?利文斯顿(RonLivingston)在一个阳光明媚的日子里把家搬到了一所新房子中。

    In ' The Conjuring , ' Lili Taylor and Ron Livingston move their family into a new house on a sunny day .

  4. 在1848年纽约西部的Hydesville,两个年轻的女孩子,Maggie和KatieFox姐妹开始了想象中的和鬼魂对话的招魂术者。

    In1848 Hydesville , western New York , two young sisters named Maggie and Katie Fox began supposedly communicating with the ghost of a murdered peddler .

  5. 影片《招魂》(TheConjuring)在今夏意外大热,它讲述的是一个古宅闹鬼的老式故事。与近期的虐待题材恐怖影片相比,它几乎算得上招人喜爱。

    The Conjuring , ' a surprise hit this summer , is an old-fashioned demon-in-the-house story , almost charming compared with the grisly torture films of the recent past .

  6. 汨罗民间招魂词研究的意义及其相关的问题补说&《汨罗民间招魂词的程式、内容及其对〈招魂〉、〈大招〉研究的启示》日译本序及补注

    Significance and Supplement of Study on Soul summoning Folk Verses

  7. 伊莎贝尔我是来取招魂护身符的。

    Isabel I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy .

  8. 源远流长的招魂礼,记载着彝族人民悠久的历史和灿烂的文化;

    The history-long evocation ritual records their long history and brilliant culture ;

  9. 按照传统,招魂作为一种大型典礼,是在春天举行的。

    Traditionally , evocation as a grand ceremony is held in spring .

  10. 增加了两个新的类型的'复活'部队上涨虽然招魂。

    Added two new types of'revived'troops gained though Necromancy .

  11. 许多人认为心灵研究和招魂术已提供了这种证据。

    Psychical research and spiritualism are thought by many to supply such evidence .

  12. 我曾观摩过他们招魂,那十分打动我。

    I watched them conjure the dead , and it 's very moving .

  13. 这是在实习被禁止和谴责的两件事:占卜和招魂。

    It is practicing two things that are forbidden and condemned : divination and necromancy .

  14. 黄锦树的小说叙事:青春原欲,文化招魂,政治狂想。

    Narration Analysis of Huang Jinshu s Novels-the Youthful Appetency , Cultural Evocation , Political Fantasy ;

  15. 战国屈氏世系及其对屈原的影响《大招》为战国时期楚地民间招魂词之原始记录说

    The Pedigree of the Qus in the Warring States Period and Its Impact on Qu Yuan

  16. 2016年《招魂2》上映后,网友们也大呼自己也见过超自然现象!

    A wave of paranormal activity claims flooded the Internet after The Conjuring 2 was released in 2016 .

  17. 《招魂2:恩菲德的骚灵》将于2016年6月10日上映。

    Conjuring 2 : The Enfield Poltergeist is set to hit the screens on June 10 , 2016 .

  18. 宋玉《招魂》的创作背景,当与楚襄王射猎云梦、惊兕失魂有关,其所招应为楚襄王之生魂。

    Based on the background Song Yu wrote his evocation , it should be Chuxiang king who was evocated .

  19. 因此它可用于从巫术,招魂术或启神等形式获得关于死亡的知识。

    Thus it can be used to gain knowledge from the dead through necromancy , seance , and divination .

  20. 成书体例研究是力之教授对《楚辞》研究的最大贡献。《招魂》研究是其另一重要贡献。

    The study on the compilation of Chuci is his major contribution , and the study on Zhaohun is another .

  21. 华纳兄弟影业出品的低成本恐怖片《招魂》是上周的票房冠军,本周下滑至亚军位置。

    Last weekend 's top movie Warner Brothers ' low budget horror " The Conjuring , " slipped to second place .

  22. 汨罗民间招魂礼仪极具戏剧性,可称得上是高级的传统文艺。

    The soul summoning folk ceremony in Miluo is so dramatic that it might be taken as an excellent traditional theatre .

  23. 上周,一名65岁男子在观看恐怖片《招魂2》时死于电影院。

    A 65-year-old man died in a cinema auditorium last week while watching a screening of horror movie The Conjuring 2 .

  24. 萨满教是中国先秦两汉社会一直存在的宗教现象,其主要特征是依靠昏迷技术与鬼神世界交通、招魂和治疗病人。

    As a religious phenomenon , Shamanism had always existed in the society of China 's pre-Qin period and Han Dynasty .

  25. 关于宋玉《招魂》中“庐江”一词的诠释,历来众说纷纭,未有确解。

    It is opinions vary but no authentic explain about the word " lujiang " in the article Zhao Hun of songyu .

  26. 招魂作为一种丧葬礼仪在古代中原与楚两地有着明显的不同。

    Evocation , one of the ancient funeral amenities , has many obvious differences between " zhongyuan " and " chu " area .

  27. 每集节目都会去世界各地猛鬼的地方进行一些灵异测试及招魂法事。

    Each program will be to take a ghost around the world where some test and call back the soul of supernatural ceremonies .

  28. 虽然时有哲人学者为其招魂,重申其古典价值,但从总体上,它还是落入现代圈套,成为日常回忆(自觉记忆)。

    Sometimes , some modern philosophers and scholars restated its classic value , but it is still trapped in modernity and becomes everyday memory .

  29. 如果他们不想要战争,他们就不会去那里为战犯招魂,对吗?

    If they didn 't want wars , they wouldn 't have to go there to call back the mind of war criminals , right ?

  30. 他叫朱尔斯-华莱士,是个招魂专家。朱漆的门窗更能突显她家的荣华富贵。

    " That 's Jules Wallace , the spiritualist . " The vermilion gates and windows better highlight the wealth and rank of her family .