
  1. 如果你看看极受欢迎的视频网站youtube,你会在那些广告中找到谷歌的招聘启事。

    If you look on the enormously popular video site , youtube , you will find , among others , a recruitment advertisement for Google .

  2. 根据全球自由职业者市场网站PeoplePerHour(PPH)在美国对5000份英音招聘启事的分析报告显示,玛丽精致高贵的口音在众多声音中最受欢迎。

    And Lady Mary 's cut-glass upper-class accent is the most popular of the lot , according to PPH 's analysis of 5000 job adverts requesting British-sounding voices in the USA.

  3. 苹果内幕(AppleInsider)网站于本周二发现了一份招聘启事,此前外界对苹果正倾力打造新的在线服务系统的猜测如今得到了证实。

    The source : Apple , which confirmed speculation the company is hard at work on new online services in a job listing first spotted by AppleInsider Wednesday .

  4. 我们从网络的招聘启事上收到很多回应。

    We received a lot of responses from our Internet ads.

  5. 两家公司后来都在招聘启事中撤下了对特定性别的说法。

    Both companies have since removed the references to specific genders in those ads.

  6. 高校人才招聘启事写作谈

    On Writing the Notice of Institution Faulty Recruitment

  7. 如果你对一份招聘启事做出回应,要写上你是在哪里看到它的。

    If you 're responding to a job posting , mention where you saw it .

  8. 在一则声明中,腾讯表示该公司重视多样化背景,并为上述招聘启事致歉。

    In a statement , Tencent said it values diverse backgrounds and apologized for the ads.

  9. 许多公司的招聘启事说得非常直白:最好是男性,仅形象气质佳的女性可申请该职位。

    Many companies are direct in their job ads. Males preferred . Only good-looking women need apply .

  10. 美国最大的汽车租赁公司贴出招聘启事。

    The nation 's largest car rental company is putting up the ' Help Wanted ' sign .

  11. 上周,鲍威尔在脸书上贴出的这则招聘启事走红网络,近千名英国人应聘这一职位。

    Nearly 1000 Britons applied for the role after the announcement posted by Bowell on Facebook last week went viral .

  12. 不管你是递简历还是回应一份招聘启事,记得要加上一封求职信。

    Whether you 're submitting a resume cold or responding to a job posting , always include a cover letter .

  13. 仅在求职网站领英网上,谷歌就发布了多达60个招聘启事,工作地点均在北京和上海。

    On professionals ' online network LinkedIn alone , Google advertised as many as 60 jobs in Beijing and Shanghai .

  14. 这家公司刚刚贴出招聘启事,就有五个人愿来填补缺员。

    The company had just put up a wanted advertisement , when five people came who were willing to fill the vacancy .

  15. 写在招聘启事上的要求包括身体健康,[能够]吃苦,工作努力,[愿意]服从上级。

    Posted requirements included a healthy body , [ an ability to ] eat bitterness and work hard and [ a willingness to ] obey superiors .

  16. 高校人才招聘启事是现代应用文告示类中一种新颖的文种,是高校引进人才的最常用的最好形式。

    Writing the notice of institution faulty recruitment is a new form of applied text , which is the best type used most often in institution recruitment .

  17. 我们登出招聘启事时,通常都会把工作描述一同登出,也会附加我们公司的链接。

    And when we advertise we always put the job * a copy of the job description and also the link to our company * err with the job adverts .

  18. 互联网巨头谷歌上周在社交媒体上发布大量招聘启事,加深了外界关于其可能计划回归中国大陆市场的猜测。

    The buzz that Google Inc may be mulling a comeback to the Chinese mainland became louder this week after the Internet giant 's numerous job postings appeared on social media .

  19. 你的简历里应该包括招聘启事中提到的关键词,这将帮你通过招聘人员或招聘经理的初步筛查。

    You should include the keywords mentioned in the job posting throughout your resume , this will help you make it past the initial screenings and on to the recruiter or hiring manager .

  20. 这会帮助你发展相关的技能,扩展你的人际关系网络,并展现出你在做一些有益的事情,而不只是待在家里看工作的招聘启事,她写道。

    That could help you build relevant skills , extend your network and show that you are doing something constructive rather than just sitting at home reacting to job adverts , she wrote .

  21. 在上月末张贴在中国各重点院校的招聘启事中,外管局表示,打算招聘30名新员工,其中15人专门从事交易和研究工作。

    In advertisements placed at important Chinese universities at the end of last month , the agency said it was looking for 30 new staff , including 15 dedicated exclusively to trading and research .

  22. 从网上看到贵公司的招聘启事,我很想加入,因为我有信心,特写此应聘书,希望您能在百忙之中抽空阅读。

    From the Internet to see your company 's recruitment notices , I would like to join , because I am confident that this candidate close-up book , I hope you can busy schedule to find time to read .

  23. 报纸上没有招聘经理的启事。

    The papers contained no requests for managers .

  24. 根据招聘会的招聘启事判断,这似乎是一个越来越不现实的目标。

    Judging from the job-fair billboards , that seems an increasingly unrealistic goal .

  25. 中国·哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院招聘外籍设计人员启事

    Job Available for Foreign Staff in Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT , China

  26. 根据百度运营的找工作网站“百度百聘”,仅有七家公司目前在为该职位进行招聘,大多数都是在规模较小的初创公司。曾经这类招聘启事有很多。

    According to Baidu Baipin , a job search website run by Baidu , just seven companies are currently advertising for these jobs , mostly at smaller start-ups . There used to be more .