
  • 网络recruitment decisions
  1. 更有甚者,雇主在做出招聘决定的时候不会使用正确的程序。

    Even more , employers don 't always apply the right formula in hiring decisions .

  2. 但这样的模型会吸收最初招聘决定中的人为职场偏见。

    But a model like this would absorb any human biases at work in the original recruitment decisions .

  3. 一旦雇主掌握了这种信息,要证明在做招聘决定时没有参考这种信息就很难了。

    Once the employer has such information , it may be difficult to prove that it wasn 't used in making the hiring decision .

  4. 去担心如公司多快会作出招聘决定这样无法去控制的事物是一件徒劳无功的事情。

    It is not productive to worry about things you can 't control , such as how quickly a company will make a hiring decision .

  5. 由于目前美国每个空缺职位平均有约5名候选人,一些负责做出招聘决定的人员开始采用极端招数来缩小候选人范围。

    With about five candidates for every job opening these days , some responsible for hiring decisions have resorted to desperate measures in their efforts to narrow the field .

  6. 而且,小企业的招聘决定主要是由两个因素推动:客户对其产品的需求与信贷的获取,而非最高边际税率是35%还是39.6%。

    Furthermore , small businesses ' hiring decisions are overwhelmingly driven by two factors : demand for their products and access to credit , not whether the top marginal rate is 35 per cent or 39.6 per cent .

  7. 我们调查了互联网招聘,但决定不这么做。

    Man : We looked into internet recruitment , but decided against it .

  8. 初期重要岗位的招聘也会决定公司的命运。

    Your key early hires will help determine the fate of your business , too .

  9. 可以说,员工招聘的效果直接决定了员工和企业的绩效。

    Can say , the recruitment effect directly determines the performance of employees and enterprises .

  10. 某些情况下,招聘经理甚至会决定这个职位不招人。

    In some cases , the hiring manager may even decide not to fill the position .

  11. 一旦有职位空缺,许多公司喜欢在内部招聘或心中已决定人选。

    Many companies like to hire internally or already have a candidate in mind as soon as the position is available .

  12. 在企业的战略规划前提下,招聘渠道的选择决定了人-组织匹配的有效性程度,合理的选择招聘渠道构建适合本企业的招聘模式,对企业有着重要的意义。

    On the premise of enterprise strategic planning , the choice of recruitment channels determines the effectiveness of person-organization fit ( P-O Fit ) .

  13. 招聘人员在初步决定候选人前平均花6秒看简历,这意味着你必须快速抓住他们眼球。

    Recruiters spend an average of six seconds reviewing a resume before they make the initial decision on candidates , that means you have to win them over fast .

  14. 在法国和巴西,招聘人员在聘用决定方面最有可能以毕业院校为考量标准,只有17.6%的招聘人员说这不是主要因素。

    Recruiters in France and Brazil were most likely to consider the university in hiring decisions , with only 17.6 percent of recruiters saying it was not a major factor .

  15. 这段时间,如果你不利用人脉圈,找到一份工作就更难了。一旦有职位空缺,许多公司喜欢在内部招聘或心中已决定人选。

    These days , it 's even harder to get a job if you 're not using your network . Many companies like to hire internally or already have a candidate in mind as soon as the position is available .

  16. 例如,银行和会计事务所正在从通常的人才招聘池&顶级MBA课程以外的渠道寻觅人才,而候选人曾被TFA或其他社区服务组织选中的证明,正帮助企业做出招聘决定。

    Banks and accounting firms , for example , are looking for talent beyond their usual feeding ground of top MBA programmes & and evidence of a candidate passing muster at TFA and other community service organisations helps them decide whom to recruit .