
  • job;Recruitment
  1. 以下是IBM最近的招聘信息,仔细阅读并牢记。

    Below is the recent recruitment information from IBM , read carefully and remember it .

  2. 本文所设计的基于人才招聘信息管理系统,采用目前流行的融合了先进成熟的计算机网络和中间件和组件技术的BS(browserserver浏览器-服务器)的软件架构体系。

    This paper based on the design of recruitment information management system , the currently popular incorporates advanced and mature computer network and middleware and component technology is clicked the B S ( browser / server ), server software architecture system .

  3. 有许多不同的word处理器,并不是所有处理器都与各种格式相兼容的。职位招聘信息或许会注明需要哪种格式。

    There are many different word processors and not all are compatible with each format.The job posting might note which format is preferred .

  4. 但是最近,Kirshner在广告网站Craigslist上发布了一个职位的招聘信息。

    But recently Mr. Kirshner posted a job on the advertising site Craigslist .

  5. HotJobs这样的求职网站,既可以得知求职招聘信息,也可以让招聘雇主知道你正在找工作。

    HotJobs to both learn about job openings and let hiring employers know about your availability .

  6. Internet.org提供的免费网络服务——包括新闻文章、健康和招聘信息,以及纯文字版的Facebook——被精心缩减过,其数据使用量和通信公司的成本都降到了最低。

    Internet . org 's free services - which include news articles , health and job information , and a text-only version of Facebook - are deliberately stripped down to minimize data usage and the cost to the phone company .

  7. 自从上个月Craigslist网站上发布招聘信息之后,机器人汉堡店这一新闻就传开。一旦其正式开业,公众就有机会一睹这家公司的未来主义餐厅如何运作的了。

    News of the robot-run restaurant spread after a job posting on Craigslist surfaced last month , which gives the public a glimpse into how the startup 's futuristic eatery might operate once it is open to the public .

  8. 哪怕实习岗位也许不会在招聘信息中被列出来,Dorio还是建议学生们应该去浏览一下想要去实习的那家公司的网页。

    Even though internships may not be listed on a job site at that point , Dorio suggests that students surf the web for companies they might want to intern at .

  9. 求职网站简单就业网(SimplyHired)首席营销官丹尼尔•格林伯格表示,许多公司都知道,求职者想要办公室以外的生活,因此,公司会在发布招聘信息时进行相应的措辞。

    Daniel Greenberg , chief marketing officer at job-search portal simplyhired , notes that many companies know job hunters want a life outside the office , and have worded their job postings accordingly .

  10. 这个职位的招聘信息被刊登在王室的网站上,其职务是“DemiChefdePartie”,也就是说你将协助一位管理厨房某项工作的大厨,例如屠宰工作或蔬菜区。

    The position , which is being advertised on the royal family 's website , is the " Demi Chef de Partie , " which means that you 'd be assisting a chef that oversees a certain part of the kitchen , like the butchery or vegetables .

  11. 发送给校友的第一批电子邮件就带来了200个招聘信息。

    The first e-mail sent to alumni produced 200 job postings .

  12. 目前,该网站是通过发布招聘信息获取投机收入的。

    Today the site makes opportunistic revenue through job postings .

  13. 许多这种招聘信息是收费的。

    There are many out there and they usually charge a fee .

  14. 并请注明您从何处得到招聘信息。

    Please indicate in your Email where you get the recruiting information .

  15. 特斯拉汽车的全球招聘信息说明了一切。

    Tesla Motors " international job listings say it all .

  16. 很多小企业老板都选择在报纸上发布招聘信息,而不是在网上。

    Many small employers advertise in the paper , rather than listing online .

  17. 非政府组织喜欢在官网或求职网站上发布招聘信息。

    NGOs like to post vacancies on their websites or job hunting sites .

  18. 使用你的用户名及密码,然后提交你的招聘信息。

    Use your userid and password to login , and submit your job information .

  19. 对于用人单位而言,社交网络提供了一个发布招聘信息的全新平台。

    For employers , SNS provide new platforms on which to publish information about their vacancies .

  20. 五角大楼检查世界各地的数百个军事育儿中心的招聘信息。

    The Pentagon review are examining hiring practices at hundreds of military child-care centers around the world .

  21. 从网上看到您的招聘信息,希望可以胜任这份工作。

    From the Internet to see your recruitment information , the hope can be competent this work .

  22. 受微博高效传播信息的启发,企业也开始纷纷在微博上发布招聘信息。

    The rapid spread of information on micro blogs has inspired companies to publish recruitment information there .

  23. 新招聘信息翻了一番。

    New job ads doubled .

  24. 早上好,我来询问昨晚在纸上看到的招聘信息。

    Good morning , I 'm calling about the job that was in the paper last night .

  25. 老实说,我在你们发布招聘信息之前就听说了这个工作。

    Also to be honest with you , I heard about the job before it was advertised .

  26. 你好,我来这儿填写您在报纸上登的招聘信息的申请表。

    Hello , I am here to fill out the application form I saw on the news paper .

  27. 一个民工网站上的招聘信息,以及关于该公司可能开多少薪水的聊天室会话。

    Job posts on a migrant workers ' Web site and chat room conversations about its possible salary .

  28. 女:所以,我在招聘信息发出来之前就写了求职信。

    W : So really I 'd written my letter of application before the job was even advertised .

  29. 因此,该组织投入巨资把招聘信息在会前说,电影预告显示上映。

    So the organization invested heavily in putting recruiting messages in the pre-movie trailers that are shown in theaters .

  30. 本系统主要是为了方便负责就业管理工作的老师使用,向毕业生提供招聘信息、就业指导及相关的政策信息,帮助同学们更好的就业。

    This system can provide jobs to graduates , career guidance and related policy information to help students better employment .