
  • 网络Consultant;recruitment consultant
  1. 拥有自己公司的零售业招聘顾问卡伦哈维(KarenHarvey)说:美国十分善于培养既懂得产品的重要性,又了解客户的商业专家。

    Karen Harvey , a retail recruitment consultant with her own agency , says : The US is great at producing merchants who understand the importance of the product and knowing your consumer .

  2. 和招聘顾问非正式地谈论一下你在自己工作领域中新出现的机会。

    Have an informal chat with a recruitment consultant about fresh opportunities in your area .

  3. 东京招聘顾问公司g&s首席执行官橘福岛江(sakiefukushima)表示,外派的外国专业人士中,约有80%在灾难发生后立刻离开了东京。

    About 80 per cent of expat professionals left Tokyo immediately after the disaster , says sakie Fukushima , chief executive of G & s global advisers , a Tokyo recruitment advisory firm .

  4. 招聘顾问可以是非常有益的。

    Recruitment consultants can be extremely helpful .

  5. 凯瑟琳的丈夫理查德今年34岁,是一名医疗招聘顾问,他也对此事感到非常惊讶。

    Her husband Richard , 34 , a medical recruitment consultant , was equally astonished .

  6. 招聘顾问预计,在卫生保健、医药/生物技术、政府和自然资源等领域,高管工作机会将会增加。

    Recruitment consultants anticipate executive job opportunities will increase in healthcare , pharmaceuticals / Biotechnology , government and natural resources .

  7. 据华尔街招聘顾问和猎头们称,仅纽约一地,银行业证券部门就可能裁员近2.1万人。

    Consultants and Wall Street recruiters say banks could eliminate nearly 21,000 jobs from their securities divisions in New York alone .

  8. 英国成千上万的人都在网上找工作,比工资,或者接洽招聘顾问。

    Millions of people in the UK use the web to search for vacancies , compare salaries or contact a recruitment consultant .

  9. 他们三人各自为一家美资猎头公司工作,至少被三家竞争对手公司评为所在地区最优秀的招聘顾问。 firm and won votes from at least three rival firms for being one of the top recruiters in their country .

  10. 虽然如此,招聘顾问们表示,华尔街大公司们发现现有员工人数还是超出了实际需要。

    Nonetheless , consultants say the big Wall Street firms are coming to the conclusion that they have more workers than they need .

  11. 花时间给招聘顾问提供有用的信息或者即使嬉皮笑脸地给他们一个小礼物也会有不一样的结果。

    Taking the time to provide useful information to a recruitment consultant or even cheekily giving them a small gift might make the difference .

  12. 孩子的爸爸理查德今年34岁,他是一名医疗招聘顾问。理查德在第一次看到自己儿子的时候也震惊了,而这个宝宝是夫妇俩的第一个孩子。

    Husband Richard , 34 , who works as a medical recruitment consultant , was equally as shocked when he first saw his son , who is the couples first child together .

  13. 第三位发言人。男:我四处寻找了一段时间,但直到我去见一位招聘顾问,我才开始关注我的目标。

    Speaker Three Man : I 'd been looking around for some time , but it wasn 't until I went to see a recruitment consultant that I began to focus my aims .

  14. 招聘顾问警告称,对银行家的反感、以及大多数顶级全球投行正在裁员的事实,将让那些被裁掉的员工难以找到新的机会。

    Recruitment consultants warn that the antipathy towards bankers and the fact that most of the top global investment banks are reducing headcounts will make it difficult for those made redundant to find new opportunities .

  15. 普拉特表示,从军方和政府招聘的顾问大多是已身居高位的人。

    Most of its hires from the military and government are already in senior positions , Mr Platt says .

  16. 智联招聘高级顾问王益欣表示,薪资水平和就业前景是白领跳槽考虑的两大主要因素。

    Wang Yixin , a senior consultant at Zhaopin , said the major reasons driving the job-hopping frenzy are salary and employment outlook .

  17. 有一个他没有经历过的,而任何经历过的同事都可以告诉他的事实,那就是公司不会从电话本广告中招聘管理顾问。

    What never occurred to him and what any experienced colleague could have told him was that companies don 't choose management consultants from ads in the phone book .

  18. 智联招聘高级顾问黄若珊认为,产生这种现象的原因是由于大量学生涌入热门专业,但该专业相关领域的岗位需求缺口却是固定的。

    Fixed odds The reason for this is that many students flock to hot majors while their related industries have fixed recruiting demands , according to Huang Ruoshan , senior consultant at .

  19. 智联招聘网职业顾问孟光(音译)鼓励毕业生要勇于挑战自我。

    Meng Guang , a career consultant from Zhaopin . com , encourages grads to challenge themselves .

  20. 据智联招聘网职业顾问陈宁介绍,学生兼职市场的暗淡现状预计还会持续一段时间。

    According to Chen Ning , a counselor at Zhaopin . com , students can expect the gloomy part-time job situation to last for some time .

  21. 智联招聘网职业顾问钱亮亮鼓励同学们去做兼职,以便更好地利用在学校里学到的知识。

    Qian Liangliang , a career consultant at Zhaopin . com , encourages students to take part-time jobs which make good use of their campus knowledge .

  22. 来自智联招聘的职业发展顾问黄若珊认为,大学生应该更关注实习经验而非实习收入。

    It 's better to care more about your experiences than your income according to Huang Ruoshan , a career development consultant at .

  23. 智联招聘高级人力资源顾问郝建表示认为,大学专业对学生毕业后的第一份工作至关重要。

    Hao Jian , a senior human resources consultant at , a leading HR service site , says that a college major is important for a person 's first job after graduation .

  24. 智联招聘首席人力资源顾问郝建表示,海归对于薪水的高期望是合理的,但明智之举是更加关注职业前景而不是金钱。

    Hao Jian , chief consultant at Zhilian Recruiting , thinks returnees " high expectations for their salary are reasonable , but it 's wise to focus more on the job prospects than the money .