
  • 网络Recruitment strategy
  1. 本文运用不确定性及最优化分析方法,分别从需求为离散和连续分布的角度建立了不确定条件下的人力资源存贮模型,并通过求解得出了最优人力资源招聘策略。

    By using uncertain and optimum analyzing method , the paper develops human resource reserving models under the condition of discrete and continuous demand , and then we give its explain and set down corresponding recruitment strategy .

  2. 据Pasona分析,由于3月地震灾害对日本本土商品供应链及发电厂的破坏,必将加快日本国内招聘策略的改革步伐。

    Pasona reckons the change has accelerated since March , when Japan was hit by an earthquake that disrupted the nation 's supply chains and power plants .

  3. 但博克认为,这种招聘策略是错误的。

    But Bock said it was the wrong hiring strategy .

  4. 招聘策略及面试技巧

    Recruiting Strategies and Interview Skill

  5. 但是当招聘策略改革已经开始发挥作用的时候,公司企业文化却没有随之而改变。

    But while hiring trends may have started to reflect this shift , corporate culture has not .

  6. 可控性高的企业可以结合外包理论,选择使用招聘策略和外包策略,更能实现经济性。

    For a high controllable manpower system , manager can choose and apply either outsourcing tactic or employment tactic , and it will be more economical .

  7. 有趣的是,这里的一家机构正在发展一种招聘策略——基于学习能力,而非学历和工作经验的招聘策略。

    Interestingly , one of the institutions here is developing a recruitment technique based not on degrees and work experience but on the ability to learn .

  8. 建立心理契约:企业有效招聘的策略

    Establishing a Psychological Contract : A Strategy of Effective Recruitment for Enterprises

  9. 内部晋升与外部招聘抉择的策略研究

    A Strategic Study on Choice of Internal Promotion and External Recruitment

  10. 企业运用网络招聘人才的策略的探讨

    Strategies for China 's Enterprises to Employ Talent Through Computer Network

  11. 建立高校人才招聘网的策略

    Tactics to Build Talents - wanted Network in Institutions of Higher Education

  12. 提出了员工招聘的薪酬策略、员工培训的薪酬策略、绩效考核的薪酬策略和人才储存的薪酬策略。

    This paper put forward the compensation strategy about staff recruitment , training , performance appraisal and talent storage .

  13. 设备维护人力结构为一个线性定常系统,通过实例分别对招聘和外包策略构建状态方程,对可控性矩阵的秩进行计算分析。

    Ranked the framework of department human resources as a linear and stationary system , measure the systematic controllability condition .

  14. 针对招聘人员专业结构不合理的问题,从招聘对象及招聘策略两个角度提出改进措施。

    Focus on the problem of irrational recruiters professional structure , suggest some improvements from the perspectives of the recruitment target and recruitment strategies .

  15. 本课题研究内容及成果将为企业招聘提供理论和方法,为相关的人力资源管理部门制定人力资源招聘策略提供理论支持,进而促进企业在竞争中立于不败之地。

    The contents and achievements researched on this thesis are about to give theories and methods to the relative department of human resources management for drawing up tactics , standing a superior position in the furious competition .