
  • 网络Prospectus
  1. 在作投资决定前,应阅读招股意向书和最终的发行文件;

    You should read the Latest Updated Prospectus and final offering document before making an investment decision ;

  2. 有关战略投资者的认购情况应在招股意向书或发行公告中予以披露。

    The subscription results in relation to the strategic investors shall be disclosed in the prospectus or the issuing announcement .

  3. 您同意参照招股意向书和最终发行文件以进一步获取有关发行的完整信息。

    You agree to refer to the Latest Updated Prospectus and final offering document for further and more complete information about the offering .

  4. 本招股意向书的所有内容均构成招股说明书不可撤销的组成部分,与招股说明书具有同等法律效力。

    All the contents in the said letter of intent will constitute irrevocable part of the prospectus and have the same legal effect as the prospectus .