
  • 网络white knight
  1. 我们的另一位白衣骑士是财政部长G·威廉·米勒。

    Our other white knight was G. William Miller , secretary of the treasury .

  2. 热门经理人往往会掉入白衣骑士陷阱。

    Hot new hires often fall into the White Knight trap .

  3. 事实上,美国企业界在这方面早已有了身着闪闪铠甲的白衣骑士典范&前德尔福(Delphi)首席执行官史蒂夫•米勒,他在职业生涯中曾多次在最后时刻成功拯救陷于绝境的企业。

    In fact , corporate America has its own knight in shining armor in that category : former Delphi CEO Steve miller , who 's made a career out of last-minute rescues of ailing corporations .

  4. 他的事业建立在自己扮演白衣骑士的基础上。

    He built his career on being the white knight .

  5. 半路杀出个白衣骑士,拯救被压迫�

    The white knight swooping in to save the disenfranchised .

  6. 我听说有个白衣骑士可以陪你。

    I hear there 's a white knight available .

  7. 那么,什么样的经理人才是理想的白衣骑士呢?

    So what kind of an executive makes for an ideal white knight ?

  8. 斯特凡哦我的兄弟永远都是那个白衣骑士我说服邦妮帮你了

    Stefan.oh , brother.Ever the white knight . I convinced Bonnie to help you .

  9. 没错,但后来我来搭救了她!白衣骑士回答道。

    ' Yes , but then I came and saved her !' the White Knightreplied .

  10. 资金大部分来源于君主资产基金,这是当今处于困境的银行的白衣骑士。

    The majority of that money will come from sovereign-wealth funds , the white knights of choice for today 's bank in distress .

  11. 白衣骑士,救援者:由被接收的目标公司管理层选出来协助抵制恶意竞购的公司或个人。

    White knight : A company or individual that is sought out by the management of a takeover target to help it defend against a hostile bid .

  12. 但是,二家公司之间的你来有往状态正日趋紧张,靠近交易的消息人士暗示“白衣骑士”毕竟要浮出水面。

    But the back-and-forth between the two companies is increasingly tense , and some sources close to the deal suggest that a white knight might surface after all .

  13. 他认为,在多个行业内都有稳定的表现是白衣骑士的一个重要特征,这意味着此人具有普遍的领导力,而不只是长于应对某一特定行业的挑战。

    Consistent performance across industries is a good marker for a white knight , he adds , because it means that an individual is capable of leading in general , not just managing specific industry challenges .

  14. 20世纪20年代,随着电影开始流行,牛仔再一次形象大变,成为了伟大的白衣骑士,比起他搭救的美女,他更爱自己的马。

    When movies began to be popular in the1920s , the cowboy image changed again . Now , a cowboy became the great white knight that loved his horse more than the beautiful ladies he rescued .

  15. 何厚铧在11月11日向立法会发表年度致辞后表示:我们不会允许任何一家赌场破产。他补充称,如有必要,他的政府将让破产赌场维持营业,直至找到白衣骑士。

    We will not allow any casinos to shut down , the chief executive said after his annual address to legislators on November 11 , adding that if necessary his administration would keep bankrupt casinos operational until a white knight was found .