
  • 网络the Bering Strait;Bering Straight
  1. 白令海峡把北美洲和亚洲分开。

    The Bering Strait parts North America from Asia .

  2. 携带大量育空河物质的太平洋水自白令海峡进入研究区后,横穿楚科奇海陆架向北扩散,导致楚科奇海中部沉积物富含蒙皂石,富Na、Mg、Ca、Zn、Sr等。

    The Pacific waters entering from the Bering Strait entrain a large amount of the Yukon River materials ; its northward dispersal possibly cause sediments in the central part of the Chukchi Sea to enrich smectite and elements Na , Mg , Ca , Zn , Sr etc.

  3. 冰况在白令海峡附近将恶化。

    Ice situation expected to deteriorate in area around Bering Strait .

  4. 他们研究了白令海峡对冰期振荡的潜在影响。

    They studied the Bering Strait 's potential impact on glacial oscillations .

  5. 这便是白令海峡的由来。

    And this is where the Bering Strait comes in .

  6. “白令海峡”的声音或许有很强的美国本土味,但他们是纯粹的俄罗斯人。

    The sound may be down home American , but Bering Strait is pure Russian .

  7. 他们在过白令海峡前和美裔印度人的想法一样吗?

    Did they share the idea with American Indians before they crossed the Bering Straits ?

  8. 楚科奇海位于阿拉斯加和俄国之间的白令海峡北部。

    The Chukchi Sea lies between Alaska and Russia just north of the Bering Strait .

  9. 他们驶过白令海峡,然后一直到美国的北部和南部。

    They crossed the Bering Strait . Then they went down to North and South America .

  10. 两者大都集中在俄罗斯地区,却并未曾通过白令海峡大陆桥进入到北美州。

    Though both were especially populous in Russia , neither crossed the Bering Strait land bridge into North America .

  11. 在史前时期,我从欧亚大陆穿越白令海峡、走过陆地、桥第一次来到了北美。

    I first came to North American in prehistoric times when I crossed the Bering Strait land bridge from Eurasia .

  12. 北太平洋位于阿拉斯加州和西伯利亚之间的部分;通过白令海峡与北冰洋相连。

    Part of the North Pacific between Alaska and Siberia ; connected to the Arctic Ocean by the Bering Strait .

  13. 在她游过白令海峡三个月后,里根和戈尔巴乔夫碰面,签署了中程核导弹条约。

    About three months after her swim across the Bering Straight , Ronald Regan and Mickael Gorbachov met to sign the INF missile treaty .

  14. 土狼曾经主要在非洲和亚洲活动,随着海平面的下降,有一个种类的土狼跨过白令海峡进入了北美地区。

    Hyenas were mainly found in Africa and Asia , but when the sea level fell , one species crossed the Bering Strait into North America .

  15. 他们在本周《自然-地球科学》杂志在线版上报道:模拟显示,白令海峡的状况是造成冰盖振荡的直接原因。

    As they report online this week in Nature Geoscience , the model shows that the Bering Strait 's status was directly responsible for the ice-sheet oscillations .

  16. 阿拉斯加北极地区位于布鲁克斯山以北,白令海峡以东的北坡地区,属北极海洋性气候区。

    The Alaska Arctic is located at north of the Brooks Range and from the Bering Sea to the Canadian border , with an arctic marine climate .

  17. 实际上,阿拉斯加的小代奥米德岛仅仅距离俄罗斯的白令海峡中心的大代奥米德岛两英里开外。

    In fact , Alaska 's Little Diomede Island sits just over two miles from Russia 's Big Diomede Island in the middle of the Bering Strait .

  18. 葡萄园种植葡萄的地方欧亚国占欧亚大陆的整个北部,从葡萄牙到白令海峡。

    Ground planted with cultivated grapevines . Eurasia comprises the whole of the northern part of the European and Asiatic land-mass , from Portugal to the Bering Strait .

  19. 研究人员通过计算发现,俄罗斯和阿拉斯加之间80公里宽的狭长海域&白令海峡可以严重地影响整个北半球的气候。

    The Bering Strait , the80-kilometer-wide stretch of ocean between Russia and Alaska , can strongly influence the climate of the entire Northern Hemisphere , researchers have calculated .

  20. 海洋(学)水文要素太平洋水通过白令海峡进入北冰洋,对北冰洋的海冰、水团和环流产生重要影响。

    Oceanographic hydrological element The Pacific water enters the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait , influencing the sea ice , water masses and circulation in the Arctic Ocean .

  21. 而中方工程师称白令海峡隧道需要125英里长,是英吉利海峡下隧道的4倍。

    And Chinese engineers say the Bering Strait Tunnel would need to be 125 miles long , that 's four times longer than the tunnel under the English Channel .

  22. 这两位学者运用计算机模型,根据7项独立的气候模型,对本世纪中叶(2040-2059)北大西洋和白令海峡之间的最优航运路线进行了预测。

    The pair used computer modeling to predict optimal navigation routes for mid-century ( 2040-2059 ) between the North Atlantic and the Bering straight based on seven independent climate models .

  23. 将阿拉斯加和俄罗斯分开的白令海峡,最窄处只有50英里宽。你回答对了吗?这就是本期的大喊答题节目环节。

    The Bering Strait which separates Alaska and Russia , is just over 50 miles wide at its narrowest point . That 's ' your answer and that 's your shoutout .

  24. 白令海峡的水交换以北太平洋水通过白令海峡进入北冰洋为主,而温度、盐度的分布也与北向的输运是匹配的。

    The transport in the Bering Strait is northward mainly from the north Pacific Ocean to the Arctic Ocean , and distribution of temperature and salinity is matching with the northward transport .

  25. 中国官员正在考虑修建一条路线,将从中国的东北部开始,途经东西伯利亚,穿过白令海峡,再通过一条125英里长的水下隧道抵达阿拉斯加。

    Chinese officials are considering a route that would start in the country 's northeast , thread through eastern Siberia and cross the Bering Strait , via a 125-mile long underwater tunnel into Alaska .

  26. 夏天里,他们将游过亚洲和非洲之间的红海、非洲和欧洲之间的直布罗陀海峡、以及亚洲和美洲之间的白令海峡。

    Over the summer , they will then cross the Red Sea ( Asia to Africa ), the Strait of Gibraltar ( Africa to Europe ), and the Bering Strait ( Asia to America ) .

  27. 一九八七年,她挑战白令海峡,这是形成阿拉斯加与西伯利亚国境的海峡,她的创举开启了美国与苏联四十八年来的互通。

    In 1987 , she swam the Bering Straight . It is the channel that creates the border between Alaska and Siberia . Her swim opened the US-Soviet border for the first time in 48 years .

  28. 霍尔顿表示不像从南美来到那种拉布雷亚的大型哺乳动物,或穿过现在白令海峡覆盖的大陆桥,可以收集关于它们直接环境的详细信息。

    Holden said unlike that of the large mammals that came to La Brea from South America or across the land bridge now covered by the Bering Strait-allows the collection of detailed information about their immediate environment .

  29. 最近,有人提出修建一条跨国铁路,通过在俄罗斯和阿拉斯加之间的白令海峡海底挖一条隧道,将中国和美国连接起来。相比之下,大连这条隧道的规模就很小了。

    The Dalian tunnel looks small compared to the latest idea to build an international railway that would link China to the United States by burrowing under the Bering Strait and creating a tunnel between Russia and Alaska .

  30. 这条高速铁路将在中国东北开始,然后贯穿俄罗斯的西伯利亚地区,通过白令海峡下的一条隧道与阿拉斯加相连,之后向南通过加拿大到达美国。

    The high speed railway would start in northeast China , it 'll run through the Russian region of Siberia , connect with Alaska through a tunnel under the Bering Strait and head south through Canada to reach the U.S.