
hēi hǎi
  • the Black Sea
黑海 [hēi hǎi]
  • [the Black Sea] 欧洲东南部与亚洲之间的内陆海

黑海[hēi hǎi]
  1. 据美国农业部(USDepartmentofAgriculture)表示,乌克兰、俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦三国的黑海地区去年出口了840万吨饲料大麦,占1690万吨总贸易量一半。

    The Black Sea region of Ukraine , Russia and Kazakhstan last year exported 8.4m tonnes of feed barley , half the trade of 16.9m tonnes , according to the US Department of Agriculture .

  2. 罗马尼亚在黑海沿岸有很长的海岸线,东面和南面的喀尔巴阡山脉(Carpathian)贯穿国家中心。

    Romania has a stretch of sea coast on the Black Sea and the eastern and southern Carpathian mountains run through its centre .

  3. A)撒哈拉沙漠,B)黑海,C)死谷还是D)太平洋?

    Is it : A ) Sahara Desert , B ) Black Sea , C ) Death Valley or D ) Pacific Ocean ? You 've got three seconds -- GO !

  4. 我问服务员比目鱼来自哪里&是黑海还是波罗的海(TheBaltic)?

    Where was the fish from ? I asked . The Black Sea ? The Baltic ?

  5. 突显俄罗斯和欧盟之间紧张关系的又一个迹象是,普京昨日宣布取消南流(SouthStream)管道项目;这条管道原本将横跨黑海,将俄罗斯天然气输送至欧洲东南部。

    In a further sign of tension between Russia and the EU , Mr Putin yesterday announced the scrapping of the South Stream pipeline to bring Russian gas across the Black Sea into southeastern Europe .

  6. 到了十九世纪中期MTT来分发从西北海岸的非洲,马达加斯加和从土耳其黑海沿岸的,马斯喀特。

    By the mid-19th century the MTT had come to circulate from the northwest coast of Africa to Madagascar and from the Turkish coast of the Black Sea to Muscat .

  7. 今年3月份,集广公司(ZegrahmExpeditions)在2015年的所有航线中,免除了三条的单人附加费:黑海环海行,印度、斯里兰卡和马尔代夫行,还有南乔治亚岛环岛行。

    In March , Zegrahm Expeditions eliminated the single supplement on three of its 2015 trips : a circumnavigation of the Black Sea ; a visit to India , Sri Lanka and the Maldives ; and a circumnavigation of South Georgia Island .

  8. 许多西方官员希望OAE能扩展到黑海地区,而五角大楼更倾向于“和谐黑海”,因为相比较起来后者更有效率。

    Many Western officials would like to expand the OAE into the Black Sea , but the Pentagon supports'Black Sea Harmony ' , believing it to be more effective than the OAE , the Pentagon official said .

  9. 2001年时,一架俄罗斯客机被乌克兰在军事演习中发射的一枚S-200导弹误击,在黑海坠落,机上78名乘客和机组人员全部遇难。

    Back In 2001 , all 78 passengers and crew members were killed when Ukraine accidentally shot down a Russian airliner , sending it plummeting into the Black Sea after it was accidentally hit by a S-200 rocket during military exercises .

  10. azimut正致力于进一步扩大全球业务范围的计划,考虑在克罗地亚、土耳其和黑海可能在乌克兰、保加利亚或罗马尼亚沿海地区建设码头。

    Azimut is working on plans to increase its global spread still more , with ideas under study to set up marinas in Croatia , Turkey and on the Black Sea perhaps on the coast of Ukraine , Bulgaria or Romania .

  11. 暮色四合,渐而一片漆黑.黑海木材运输租船合同

    Twilight merged into total darkness . Black Sea Timber Charter Party

  12. 它赋予俄罗斯海军进入黑海的权利。

    It gives Russia 's Navy access to the Black Sea .

  13. 黑海海岸线一直吸引俄罗斯人前往索契。

    The Black Sea coastline has long attracted Russians to Sochi .

  14. 黑海在鸟岛的哪一边?

    On what side of the island is the black sea ?

  15. 俄罗斯向格鲁吉亚黑海海域派出了海军舰艇。

    Russia sent naval vessels to Georgia 's Black Sea coast .

  16. 欧洲第二长河;流入黑海。

    The2nd longest European river ; flows into the black sea .

  17. 根据1936年的一项条约,土耳其控制军舰进入黑海。

    Turkey controls access to the Sea by warships under a1936 treaty .

  18. 土耳其又控制着进出黑海的通道。

    And Turkey controls the passage from and to the Black Sea .

  19. 苏联欧洲部分东南部的地区,位于黑海与里海之间。

    A region of southeast European U.S.S.R.between the Black and Caspian seas .

  20. 格鲁吉亚有高加索地区的小山村和黑海海滩。

    Georgia is home to Caucasus Mountain villages and Black Sea beaches .

  21. 她表示黑海非常美。

    The Black Sea is very beautiful , she said .

  22. 俄罗斯黑海海岸涌现出诸多豪华别墅。

    Extravagant mansions are popping up along Russia 's Black Sea coast .

  23. 是午夜风暴的黑海

    It 's the Black Sea in a midnight gale .

  24. 黑海是一个很大的内陆海。

    The Black Sea is a large inland sea .

  25. “土耳其溪”管道横跨黑海,从俄罗斯延伸到土耳其。

    The TurkStream pipeline stretches from Russia to Turkey across the Black Sea .

  26. 你会在黑海和地中海之间找到我。

    You 'll find me between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea .

  27. 乌克兰的一个半岛,位于黑海和亚述海之间。

    A Ukrainian peninsula between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov .

  28. 这一度假胜地成为黑海的一颗璀璨珍珠。

    this resort town was to become the pearl of the Black Sea .

  29. 从极北的冰海到南方的黑海。

    Lord of all lands from the frozen ocean to the black sea .

  30. 在黑海只有俄罗斯才有不冻港。

    It has Russia 's only warm water port in the Black Sea .