
jīng wěi dù
  • latitude and longitude;longitude and latitude
经纬度 [jīng wěi dù]
  • [latitude and longitude] 经度和纬度。某地的位置可以用其在经纬度坐标系中的位置表示

经纬度[jīng wěi dù]
  1. 这个文件包含有经纬度数据,记录了手机的坐标,还带有相应的时间戳。

    The file contains longitude and latitude data , recording the phone 's coordinates along with a timestamp .

  2. GPS全球定位系统是全球性的卫星导航定位系统,可以提供实时的经纬度位置和时间等信息。

    GPS positioning system is a global system of navigation , which provides real - time information of time and position of longitude and latitude .

  3. 在分布式GIS系统中实现非矢量地图经纬度定位

    Locate a site ' latitude and longitude on the non-vector Map in distributed GIS

  4. GPS卫星导航播区经纬度的计算及检验

    Calculation and Test of Longitude & Latitude in Disseminated Area of GPS Satellite Navigation

  5. SAR成像场景中的点目标经纬度的计算方法

    Algorithm for the Latitude and Longitude of Point Targets in SAR the Imaging Scenario

  6. 移动位置服务(locationbasedservice,LBS)是通过移动网络获取移动终端的经纬度坐标,在地理信息系统的支持下为用户提供相应服务的一种移动增值业务。

    Location Based Service is a new wireless value-added service , which can provide mobile users location-based information services through mobile network .

  7. 广州电离层观测站位于磁赤道附近(地磁经纬度:183.0°E,11.5°N)。

    Guangzhou Ionospheric Observatory is located near the geomagnetic equator ( geomagnetic coordinate 183.0 ° E , 11.5 ° N ) .

  8. (MapsQuest会生成一个相当长的URL地址,并且并不包括经纬度的信息)。

    MapQuest generates an incredibly long URL which doesn 't appear to have latitude and longitude information .

  9. 并通过SAS软件运行中心聚类算法验证了选取GPS经纬度作为特征量的正确性。

    We verify the correctness of selecting GPS latitude and longitude as the characteristics through the center clustering by SAS software .

  10. 对GPS输出信息的读取方法及经纬度位置、时间信息的处理方法本文也作了研究叙述。

    Reading method of GPS 's output information and processing method of longitude and latitude position information and time information are all studied in this paper .

  11. 不同经纬度紫椴天然种群间遗传分化较大,遗传分化系数Gst为0.1965。

    Coefficient of genetic differentiation was 0.1965 on average and the majority of genetic variation occurred within populations .

  12. 实现了土地经纬度位置信息的采集,土地面积和距离的快速测量,系统具备数据联机通讯功能及定位数据的GIS处理。

    Achieve acquisition of Land latitude and longitude location information , land area and distance measurement , this system content online data communication functions and GIS positioning data processing . 2 .

  13. 并用相似变换法将GPS接收到的WGS-84大地经纬度高斯投影后强制转换统一,以实现坐标匹配。

    And analogue transformation were implemented to uniform the GPS received WGS-84 geodetic coordinate , to realize the coordinate matching .

  14. 为了让示例变得更有趣些,我们对此XML进行增强,使用GeoNamesWeb服务的数据给XML附上每个指定城市的经纬度。

    To make things more interesting , let 's enhance this XML with the latitude and longitude of each named city , using data from the GeoNames Web service .

  15. 结果手持GPS设备可以对现场行走的路线进行准确定位(自动保存为航迹),同时可以手动采集每个航点的经纬度。

    Results GPS could record and save the route which the investigators walked in the spot , the longitude and latitude of each dot position could be collected consciously at the same time .

  16. 国家海洋局声明了钓鱼岛详细精确的经纬度以及它的70个附属岛屿,同时发布了位置地图,3D效果图以及钓鱼岛的草绘地图。

    The SOA announcement details the exact longitude and latitude of the Diaoyu Island and 70 of its affiliated islets while publishing location maps , 3D effect graphs and sketch maps for the Diaoyu Islands .

  17. PlacedInsights包含了大约1300亿个经纬度点,而且还把它们与数以十亿计的其它数据相结合,为它所提供的任何见解提供翔实的数据支持。

    Placed insights incorporates about 13 billion latitudinal / longitudinal geographical points and combines them with billions of other bits of data to produce any number of possible insights .

  18. 介绍了利用卫星双向双频(C波段)观测来测定电离层时延的方法,并对不同经纬度的观测结果进行了比较和分析。

    A method of determing the ionospheric delay with the two-way satellite dual-frequency ( C band ) observation is introduced , and the results from the observations for different longitudes and latitudes are analysed and compared to each other .

  19. 对基于GPS的实时交通信息采集方法开展研究,分别提出了利用GPS返回的经纬度数据和速度数据的两种路段平均速度估计算法。

    The real-time traffic information collection method based on GPS is studied . Two segment average speed estimation algorithms are proposed based on the longitude , latitude and speed data collected by GPS receiver .

  20. 对回报的各移动目标GPS定位信号中的经纬度信号进行坐标转换,在地图上找到相应的点图标显示车辆位置。

    Carries on the coordinates to in the repayment each mobile target GPS localization signal latitude and longitude signal to transform , found the corresponding spot chart sign demonstration vehicles position on the map .

  21. 在经纬度和UTM坐标之间进行转换

    Converting from latitude / longitude to UTM and vice versa

  22. 本文就如何将GPS输出的经纬度坐标转换为导航程序需要的大地平面直角坐标、如何从GPS中获得导航所需的信息以及如何编制导航程序软件进行了研究探讨。

    It was studied in this article that how to convert longitude and latitude to Cartesian system of coordinates on the earth , how to get informations from GPS and how to make the guidance program .

  23. 从技术上讲,Magnus关注位置经纬度、用户帐户ID、时间戳和这些特定数据之间的关系。

    Technically , Magnus is interested in location latitude and longitude , the user account ID , timestamps , and the relationships between these particular data .

  24. QTM地址码与经纬度坐标的快速转换算法

    Fast Translating Algorithm between QTM Code and Longitude / Latitude Coordination

  25. 实际测量中,罗兰C接收机获取的导航定位参量是用户到三个(或多个)发射台间的时差,接收机需要将测量时差转化为地理经纬度,进而求取其它航行参数。

    Navigational parameter by the Loran-C receiver measuring is time-difference ( TD ) from user to three ( or more ) launchers . These parameter must be transformed into geographic coordinate , and calculated further other parameter which be interested of user .

  26. 从而获取串口GPS数据并判断GPS数据的有效性和解析出经纬度,把这些数据封装成安全数组供网页调用。

    Hence , we can obtain a serial GPS data and Whereafter , we checked the validity of GPS and parses out its latitude and longitude , which are packaged into a safe array for web calling .

  27. 多波束数据处理中的UTM直角坐标与经纬度坐标转换技术

    Conversion of Geodetic Coordinates to UTM Rectangular Coordinates in Processing the Multi-beam Bathymetric Data

  28. 将经纬度转换为UTM

    Conversion from latitude / longitude to UTM

  29. 将UTM坐标转换为经纬度坐标

    Conversion from UTM to latitude / longitude

  30. 下一节将进一步探讨经纬度与UTM之间的转换。

    The next section looks at the latitude / longitude and UTM conversions in more detail .