
jīnɡ jì huó dònɡ
  • economic activity
  1. 经济活动常常遵循周期性模式。

    Economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern .

  2. 这一指数是政府判断未来经济活动的主要依据。

    The index is the government 's chief gauge of future economic activity .

  3. 生产并消费商品和服务是一切经济活动的终极目标。

    The production and consumption of goods and services is the ultimate aim of all economic endeavour .

  4. 全球经济活动总量是一年年的递增。

    The world economic aggregate is increasing year by year .

  5. 官方语言为阿姆哈拉语,政治和经济活动中通用英语。

    The official language is amharic , political and economic activities in the common english .

  6. 卫星城市的经济活动与中心城市息息相关。

    Economic activities of the satellite are closely geared to those of the central city .

  7. 然而,所有这些经济活动必须有资金来源,而且世界金融体系的稳定对保持世界贸易持续增长至关重要。

    Yet all this economic activity must be financed , and the stability of the world financial system is critical to the continued growth in world trade .

  8. 日前,英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本推出一项针对外国公司的新税,即在英国开展经济活动所得利润要被课以25%的税。

    UK Treasury1 chief George Osborne has introduced a new 25 % tax on foreign companies ’ profits derived2 from economic activity in the UK .

  9. 很多最受欢迎的模式都是基于所谓的“双面市场”,该市场是由第三方研发、建立并维护的一个信息技术平台,其功能为共享各类经济活动信息。

    Many of the most popular models are based on what is called a " two-sided market " which is a market where an information technology-enabled platform is developed , built and maintained by a third party but the function of the platform is to enable sharing economy activities .

  10. 通过合意方式解决纠纷&美国经济活动中ADR方式运用状况分析

    Resolution of Disputes Through Consensus & Analysis on the Application of ADR in America Economic Activities

  11. b.技术创新是在经济活动中为了实现社会经济效益而进行的技术升级或更新换代的过程,这个过程包括新技术构思、设计、创造、应用、扩散五个阶段。

    B. Technological innovation is a process of technological upgrade or update in order to realize social and economic benefits .

  12. 随着创新活动日益复杂,Internet迅速深入人们经济活动和日常生活的各个领域,网络群体创新理论应运而生。

    With the innovation from complex to complex and the Internet going deep into every domain of people 's economic activity and living rapidly , Theory of Networked Team Innovation ( NTI ) emerges as the times require .

  13. 而目前国际通用的SNA是以全部经济活动为核算对象的核算体系。

    At present , the international general SNA is an accounting system of all economic activities .

  14. 美联储(Fed)在2015年继续考虑加息,但一些投资者认为,自年初以来的疲弱经济活动可能让政策制定者们更加谨慎。

    The US Federal Reserve continues to eye an increase in interest rates in 2015 , but some investors believe that weakening economic activity since the start of the year could make policy makers more cautious .

  15. 由于开放性的市场条件和VT、IT的广泛应用,企业虚拟化运营效率系统具有开放性,其本质是企业通过整合外部资源、提升企业外部效率来实现经济活动目标。

    Because of the open market condition and the extensive application of VT and IT , the efficiency system of the virtual management of the enterprises is open . Its innate character is integrating exterior resources and promoting exterior efficiency to achieve economic targets .

  16. 区域交通需求来源于社会经济活动。

    The regional traffic demand stems from the social economic activity .

  17. 商务合同谈判实质上是通过语言进行的经济活动。

    Business contract negotiation is essentially an economic activity through language .

  18. 财政支出反映了政府经济活动的范围。

    The finance expenditure has reflected the government economic activity scope .

  19. 基于数据仓库的经济活动分析决策支持系统

    Decision support system of economic active analysis based on data warehouse

  20. 五百年以前,农业是主要经济活动。

    Five hundred years ago , agriculture was the major economic activity .

  21. 中国有太多的经济活动仍耗费在类似的操作上。

    Too much Chinese economic activity is still spent in similar activities .

  22. 我国体育经济活动中费税问题研究

    Research on Taxation Problems of Sports Economics Activity in China

  23. 电子商务是网络环境下的经济活动。

    EB is the economic activity in the network environment .

  24. 国外体育经济活动税收政策研究

    Research on the Tax Policies in Sport Economics Activity Aboard

  25. 控制不合理的经济活动减轻牧区自然灾害

    Controlling inappropriate economic activities and reducing natural calamities in the pastoral area

  26. 人是社会经济活动的主体。

    Human being is the main body in the society economy activity .

  27. 第三,意识形态上的差异主要体现在政府在经济活动中所起的作用。

    The difference of ideology get reflected in the role of government .

  28. 土地是人类社会经济活动的载体;

    The land is the basis of economic activities for human beings ;

  29. 从事商业就自然成为蜗居于西安城内的回族的主要经济活动。

    Xian Huis main economic activity is engaging in business .

  30. 论经济活动中团体间的竞争与冲突

    On the Team Competition and the Team Conflict in the Economic Activity