
  • 网络The relation between human and nature;human-nature relationship;human and nature
  1. 人与自然的关系直接就是人与人的关系。

    The relation between human and nature is directly the relation between human and human .

  2. 近些年来,生态危机的日益严重使我们不得不重新思考人与自然的关系。

    Recently , ecological crisis makes us to think over about the relation between human and nature .

  3. 这本书讲述人与自然的关系。

    The book is about the relationship between man and nature .

  4. 北美印第安神话中人与自然的关系

    The Relation between Man and Nature in North American Indian Myths

  5. 人与自然的关系是一个古老的哲学问题。

    People and natural relation are an old philosophy question .

  6. 除了人与自然的关系,劳伦斯也非常关注男人与女人的和谐关系。

    Lawrence always stresses the harmony between man and nature .

  7. 人类自诞生以来,就与大自然形影不离,人与自然的关系曾一度出现原始的和谐。

    The relationships between human beings and nature have appeared primitive harmony .

  8. 人与自然的关系构成及道德意蕴

    The Forms and Moral Meanings of the Relationship between Man and Nature

  9. 生态灾难的发生与人类社会没有正确处理人与自然的关系有着密切的关系。

    Ecology disasters have a close relationship with human beings ' behavior .

  10. 论人与自然的关系及其伦理原则

    Relationship between Humanity and Nature and its Ethical Principle

  11. 第二部分:人与自然的关系。

    Part two : Relationship between man and nature .

  12. 人与自然的关系已经历三个阶段。

    The development of relation between man and nature has undergone three stages .

  13. 当今世界日益突出的生态环境问题,把人与自然的关系这一哲学问题又一次尖锐地呈现出来。

    With the ecological problems relation between human beings and nature gets tense .

  14. 人与自然的关系不断协调。

    People are coordinating with the natural relation constantly .

  15. 人与自然的关系是人类赖以生存和发展的基本关系。

    Man-nature relationship is the basic relationship for man 's existence and development .

  16. 人与自然的关系也变得越来越紧张。

    The relationship between human beings and the nature is becoming increasingly tight .

  17. 人与自然的关系是人类的永恒主题。

    The relationship between man and nature is the eternal theme of humanity .

  18. 从人与自然的关系看社会的可持续发展

    Viewing Sustainable Development of Human Society from the Relationship Between Man and Nature

  19. 人与自然的关系一直是哲学关注的问题。

    The relation between man and nature is always an Issue concerned by philosophy .

  20. 消费和人与自然的关系

    Consumption and the Relationship Between Man and Nature

  21. 论马克思主义自然观念中人与自然的关系

    Talk about the relation of People and natural in the Natural idea of Marxism

  22. 还要正确认识和处理人与自然的关系。

    Besides , to correctly understand and handle the relation between man and nature .

  23. 哈耶克回避人与自然的关系,否认客观必然性。

    Hayek avoided the relationship between human and nature and denied the objective certainty .

  24. 佛教对于人与自然的关系也具有一定深度的认识。

    Buddhism also has a deep understanding of the relationship between human beings and nature .

  25. 中国农业的可持续发展与生态环境保护&从人与自然的关系看

    Agricultural Sustainable Development and Ecological Environment Protection Based on the Relations Between Human and Nature

  26. 就全人类而言,一个很大的问题是人与自然的关系。

    The relationship between humans and nature is a big problem just for all mankind .

  27. 其中,人与自然的关系是最根本的。

    Among those relationships , the relationship between human and nature is fundamental and crucial .

  28. 人与自然的关系对人与人的关系具有优先地位。

    The relationship between human and nature is superior to that of people and people .

  29. 劳动改变了人与自然的关系,体现了人与自然的统一;

    Work changes the relation between man and nature embodying the unity between man and nature .

  30. 人与自然的关系问题是马克思主义自然观中的一个重要问题。

    The relationship between man and nature is a major problem of Marxist view of nature .