
  1. 中国央行(pboc)周二上调了人民币兑美元汇率中间价,表明北京方面可能会允许人民币在本周进一步温和升值。

    The Chinese central bank on Tuesday raised the daily reference rate for the renminbi against the dollar in a sign that Beijing might allow further gentle appreciation of the currency this week .

  2. 中国每日都会确定人民币兑美元汇率中间价,人民币汇率在经过数年的升值后,从去年7月份以来兑美元相对持稳。

    China sets the currency 's exchange rate daily , and after years of letting it rise has kept it relatively stable since July .

  3. 中国央行每天早上会设定人民币兑美元汇率中间价,再对全天的人民币交易进行引导。今天,该行将人民币参考汇率下调了0.04%,定为1美元兑6.149元人民币。

    The People 's Bank of China , which sets the dollar-renminbi rate each morning and then guides trading throughout the day , put the reference rate 0.04 per cent lower at 6.149 per dollar .

  4. 截至2008年末,人民币兑美元汇率中间价为1美元兑6.8346人民币,显示人民币自汇改以来已累计升值21.10%。

    Up to 2008 year-ends , the middle price between USD and RMB is 1 dollar equals 6.8346 yuan , which implies that RMB has a appreciation to 21.10 per cent in total since the reform begins .

  5. 但是中国有一个薄弱环节。中国央行昨日制定的人民币兑美元汇率中间价,比周三收盘价低0.36%&这可能看起来幅度不大,但在人民币汇率变动缓慢的背景下,这是一次重大贬值。

    The Chinese central bank set the daily reference point for the currency 0.36 per cent weaker against the US dollar than its close on Wednesday - which might not seem like much but is a significant depreciation in the context of China 's glacial exchange rate .