
zhī shí jīnɡ jì
  • knowledge economy
  1. 南韩知识经济部援引教育研究人员开展的一项调查说,学生们对机器人老师的反应很好。

    Elementary school children responded favourably to the robotic teachers , the Ministry of knowledge economy said , citing a survey by educational researchers .

  2. 随着知识经济的兴起,信息全球化的到来,特别是我国加入WTO后,加剧了企业间的竞争。

    With the rising of knowledge economy and the coming of globalization of information , especially our entering the WTO , the competition among corporations is intensifying .

  3. 特别是,阿鲁姆和罗克萨发现,大学生没有发展批判性思维、分析推理能力和其他更高层次的能力,而这些技能可以使他们在当今的知识经济中茁壮成长,使国家在复杂挑战和动态变化中屹立不倒。

    In particular , Arum and Roksa found , college students were not developing the critical thinking , analytic reasoning and other higher-level skills that are necessary to thrive in today 's knowledge-based economy and to lead our nation in a time of complex challenges and dynamic change .

  4. 随着加入WTO的脚步日益临近,知识经济浪潮下的中国农业面临转型,我国农产品营销体系亟待创新。

    With the approaching of China joining the WTO , Chinese agriculture under the tide of knowledge economics confronts with transforming , net marketing system of chinese agricultural products is in great need of innovation .

  5. 知识经济时代即将来临,国家知识基础设施(NKI)的开发将上升到社会发展的中心。

    The times of Knowledge Economy is coming , National Knowledge Infrastructure development will become the social development centre .

  6. 强化知识经济理念推动护理教育创新

    To strengthen knowledge economy concept , to promote nursing education innovation

  7. 面向知识经济时代的《微机自动检测》课程建设与教学改革

    Construction and Teaching Innovation of the Course of Microcomputer Automatic Detect

  8. 传统会计适应知识经济发展的探讨

    Studying on the developing of traditional accounting in the knowledge economy

  9. 知识经济条件下图书馆的观念创新

    The Library 's Concept Innovation under the Condition of Knowledge-based Economy

  10. 知识经济条件下医院无形资产及其评估

    Hospital Intangible Assets and Their Assessment under Conditions of Knowledge Economy

  11. 知识经济对山东省产业发展与结构调整的启示

    Enlightened on the industrial structure of Shandong Province by knowledge economy

  12. 刍议知识经济时代的教师资质管理

    Management of Teachers ' Quality in the Era of Knowledge-based Economy

  13. 面向知识经济建设区域创新体系

    Facing the Knowledge Economy and Constructing the Regional Innovation System

  14. 迎接知识经济时代再造职教干部队伍

    Receiving the informational and economic era reforge the professional education cadres team

  15. 全球产业环境正趋向国际化、自由化、知识经济化。

    Global industrial environments are tendency internationalization , liberalization and knowledge economization .

  16. 把握知识经济的特点推动企业创新与发展

    Handling Knowledge Economy Properties to Drive Enterprise Innovation and Development

  17. 知识经济呼唤创新人才的培养。

    The knowledge economy is calling the cultivating of the creative talents .

  18. 21世纪知识经济的挑战与投资机制的创新

    Challenge of knowledge economy and innovation of investment system in 21st century

  19. 延边地区走新型工业化道路的探讨&发展知识经济的对策研究

    Yanbian Should Take a New Road to Industrialization-Measures to Develop Knowledge Economy

  20. 知识经济与医院管理创新(一)

    Knowledge economy and innovation in hospital management ( 1 )

  21. 利用知识经济促进水利可持续发展

    Ensure water conservancy sustainable development by utilizing the knowledge economy

  22. 知识经济时代与高等教育改革

    The Period of Knowledge Economy and Reformation of Higher Education

  23. 知识经济对传统会计的冲击与会计工作的创新

    The Impact of Knowledge Economy on the Traditional Accounting and Accounting Innovation

  24. 知识经济时代领导者应具备之特质

    On the Traits of Leaders Required in the Age of Knowledge Economy

  25. 凉山州农业信息化建设思路分析浅论知识经济时代的农业信息化建设

    Preliminary Discussion on Construction of Agricultural Informationization in Era of Knowledge-based Economy

  26. 知识经济条件下专业图书馆员的基本素质

    Essential qualities of a professional librarian under the condition of knowledge economy

  27. 知识经济与高校信息服务业的战略转变

    Knowledge Economy and the Strategical Transformation in College-based Information Services

  28. 知识经济、边际效用递增现象与新商业规则

    Knowledge Economy , Increasing Marginal Utility and New Business Rules

  29. 知识经济时代企业管理理念的深刻变革

    The Profound Renovation of Business Management in the Times of Knowledge Economy

  30. 知识经济与学报青年编辑素质的培养

    Knowledge Economy and the Quality of Editors of Academic Journals