
  • 网络knowledge building community;kbc
  1. 建构主义对心理健康教育的意义在于其强调认识的主观能动性、学习的主动建构性以及知识建构共同体和协作学习。依据建构主义原理、学生的积极心理品质是可以主动建构的。

    The significance of constructivism for mental health education includes that it stresses the subjective initiative cognition , the active construction of learning , knowledge building community and cooperative learning .

  2. 建构共同体的东亚模式知识建构共同体视角下网络课程的开发与实践

    The Exploiture and Practice of Web-based Course under the Knowledge Building Community Perspective

  3. 为了支持和促进知识建构共同体,本课题组研制了CSILE/知识论坛系统。

    CSILE / Knowledge Forum was designed as a knowledge building environment that supports creative knowledge work of KBCs .

  4. 协作知识建构是共同体就所探究领域通过协商论证深度构建公共知识库的过程。

    Collaborative knowledge building is a progress , community , through consultations and argument , build a dynamic public knowledge base .