
  • 网络international protection of intellectual property;international protection of the intellectual property
  1. 知识产权国际保护的法律渊源

    The Legal Sources of the International Protection of the Intellectual Property

  2. 知识产权国际保护的困境及相关思考

    On Predicament and Relevant Thoughts on the International Protection of the Intellectual Property Rights

  3. 后TRIPS时代知识产权国际保护的中国路径

    China 's Path of International Protection of Intellectual Property in the Post-TRIPs Era

  4. 2001年我国正式加入WTO,作为成员国必须履行协定规定的知识产权国际保护的义务,但在科学研究和技术创新方面与发达国家相比还有很大差距。

    In 2001 , china formally joined the WTO , as member states must fulfil the agreement of the provisions of international protection of intellectual property rights and obligations , but we have a big gap compared with developed countries in the scientific and technological innovation .

  5. 目前,以TRIPs为代表的知识产权国际保护体制已基本建立,其弥补了各国国内知识产权保护立法的缺陷,对各国境外知识产权起到了重要的保护作用。

    Currently , the international protection system of intellectual property represented by the TRIPs has been basically established , making up for the domestic legislation defects and play an important protective role for intellectual property rights of foreign countries .

  6. 第一章(TRIPS协定的产生)在简略回顾知识产权国际保护的历史以及GATT在加强知识产权保护方面所起的作用后,将重点回顾TRIPS协定是如何出现在乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判之中的。

    Section 1 first looks back at the history of IP international protection and the role of GATT in enhancing its protection . Then will turn to the difficult emergence of TRIPS Agreement during the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations .

  7. TRIPS协议下的知识产权国际保护的特点是范围更广,措施更严,标准更高,争端解决更有效,改变了知识产权的保护方式,确立了一系列新的制度与标准。

    In the TRIPS , the features of international protection of intellectual property rights is the wider range , more severe measures , higher standard , which change the protection methods of intellectual property and establish a series of new system and standard .

  8. 《反假冒贸易协议》(ACTA)的出现使得有关知识产权国际保护标准问题再一次成为各国热议的话题。

    The emergence of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ( ACTA ) make the International standards for the protection of intellectual property issues once again become a hot topic of every country .

  9. 其中,第一章为TRIPs-plus条款产生的历史背景,介绍了知识产权国际保护标准的确立以及TRIPs协议后知识产权保护的状况,并揭示出知识产权保护中的南北对抗现象。

    Chapter one is the historic background of the birth of TRIPs-plus clause , which introduces the establishment of Intellectual Property international protection standard , the status quo of Intellectual Property protection in post-TRIPs agreement era , as well as the Confrontation between South and North in Intellectual Property protection .

  10. 知识产权国际保护与发展权研究&以药品为研究样本

    Study on International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Development Rights

  11. 论知识产权国际保护中的司法保护

    On the Judicatory Protection in International Protection of Intellectual Property Right

  12. 知识产权国际保护制度的扩张对发展中国家利益的影响

    Impact of the Expansion of Intellectual Property International Protection System to Developing Countries ' Interests

  13. 私权利与公权利的博弈&知识产权国际保护的应然发展趋势

    Game Between Private Rights And Public Rights & The Expected Trend for International Intellectual Property Protection

  14. 知识产权国际保护发展趋势下发展中国家面临的挑战

    Under the Developing Tendency of the International Intellectual Property Protection the Challenge that Developing Nations Faced

  15. 知识产权国际保护标准的解读与启示&以利益平衡为视角

    Interpretation and Implication of Standards of International Protection for Intellectual Property : From the Perspective of Blance of Benefits

  16. 这个代表着发达国家利益的知识产权国际保护制度,不可避免的存在着一些不足与缺陷。

    The system international protection of intellectual property rights which represents developed coutries ' benefit inevitable exist some defects .

  17. 知识产权国际保护制度是当代国际经济、文化、科技贸易领域中的一种法律秩序。

    The international IPR system is a kind of legal order under the circumstances of contemporary international economy , culture and technology trade .

  18. 虽然知识产权国际保护体制已经比较完善,但是体制仍存在很多先天的不足及自身的缺陷。

    Although the system of international protection of intellectual property rights has been made perfect , it still has many inherent deficiencies and defects .

  19. 这种分析和评估对理解美国等发达国家药品工业与药品知识产权国际保护之间的相互关系,以及发展中国家及最不发达国家对药品知识产权的立场和态度极为必要。

    The analysis and assessment are necessary steps to understand the interaction between the advanced pharmaceutical industry in developed countries and the international pharmaceutical IP agenda .

  20. 由于网络技术的发展和上述价值观念的变革,知识产权国际保护在制度上受到冲击也是不可避免。

    Because of the development of network technology and the above-mentioned revolutions of value concepts , the international protection of the intellectual property is unavoidable systematically .

  21. 发达国家和发展中国家在有关知识产权国际保护议题上所产生分歧的根本原因在于双方在国际知识产权问题上的利益失衡。

    Unbalance interest is the the basic reason that causes the divarication between developing country and developed country on the international protection of intellectual property right .

  22. 计算机网络的出现及其发展对当今社会进程产生了极大的影响,对于知识产权国际保护的冲击更是前所未有。

    The appearance and development of computer network have been exerting great influence on the present social course , furthermore unprecedented impact upon international protection of intellectual property right .

  23. 在全球不同背景下强制性的运用单一制度必然会出现不和谐的声音,全球公共健康危机凸显了这种冲突,引发全球舆论对知识产权国际保护合理性的探讨。

    The global crisis of public health demonstrates the disharmony of adoption of single IPR regime to diverse background , which causes global discussion on the rationality of international protection of IPR .

  24. 以多哈会议为标志、以公共健康问题为契机,21世纪知识产权国际保护制度将向更理性的方向发展。

    With the symbol of the Doha conference and the turning point of the public health issue , the international protection system of intellectual property will go more reasonably in the 21st century .

  25. 整体原则是知识产权国际保护的基本伦理依据与价值尺度,是衡量知识产权国际保护是否具有合理性的根本标准。

    The overall principles are the basic ethics and values of international protection of intellectual property rights and the basic standard in accordance with the rationality of international protection of intellectual property rights .

  26. 知识产权国际保护制度对于协调各国知识产权保护,鼓励自我创新,促进世界科学技术的发展和国际经济贸易的交流和合作有着重要的作用和积极的意义。

    The international protection of intellectual property rights plays an important role to encourage the self-innovation , promote development of the world science technology , and exchange and the cooperation of the international economical trade .

  27. 摘要在全球化环境下知识产权国际保护体系中,趋同的保护规范和标准对处于不同科技经济发展阶段的国家,在利益得失方面具有明显的差异。

    In the international system of intellectual property in the context of globalization , there exist obvious differences in respect of interests for countries who are in different stage in science and technology and economy as to the United regulations and standards for protection .

  28. 当前,各国学者对于知识产权国际保护的研究已经相当成熟,但对于知识产权境外保护的研究却乏善可陈,甚至对于知识产权境外保护的定义还是模糊不清的。

    Currently , the studies of scholars from various countries on the international protection of intellectual property rights are already quite mature , but researches on the protection of intellectual property outside are few , or even the definition of overseas protection for intellectual property rights is vague .

  29. 《TRIPS协议》的生效,标志着知识产权的国际保护进入了一个新的历史时期。

    When the TRIPS Agreement takes effect , intern at ional protection of intellectual property rights will enter a new era .

  30. 20世纪末信息科学技术、生命科学技术等高技术迅猛发展,知识产权的国际保护问题日益突出,知识产权保护被纳入WTO规则的调整范围。

    With sciences and technologies of information and life develop quickly , it has been increasingly sticking out that the intellectual property should be protected by the international society and should be brought into the adjustment range of the regulation of WTO at the end of the 20th century .