
zhī shí lùn
  • epistemology;theory of knowledge
  1. 西方知识论中的知识动力观演变

    On the Motive Force of Knowledge Growth in the Western Epistemology

  2. 知识论发展与课程知识观的嬗变

    The Development of Epistemology and the Changing of Curriculum Knowledge Conception

  3. 20世纪中叶兴起的默会知识论把phronesis视为一种自主、独立的知识形态,从认识论上激活了亚里士多德的实践哲学传统,对理论的知识传统形成了挑战。

    The theory of tacit knowledge arised in mid-20th century takes phronesis as an independent and autonomous mode of knowledge , thus challenged the theoretical tradition of knowledge and revitalized the Aristotelian tradition of practical philosophy .

  4. 课程评价改革的当代知识论基础

    The Contemporary Theory Bases of Knowledge for the Curriculum Evaluation Reform

  5. 网络教育时代的学习观与知识论

    Learning outlook and knowledge theory at the age of web-based education

  6. 知识论是西方思想的重要组成部分。

    Theory of knowledge is the key part of western thought .

  7. 默会知识论视角下的外语教学

    Tacit Knowledge : A New Perspective in Reviewing Foreign Language Teaching

  8. 哈耶克道德思想的知识论基础

    The Basis of Knowledge Theory of Hayek 's Ideology of Morality

  9. 知识论问题是教育管理研究的一个基本问题。

    The epistemological problems are essential to educational administration research .

  10. 产业集群技术创新的缄默知识论

    Study on Tacit Knowledge of Industrial Cluster 's Technological Innovation

  11. 本章结论:以不能合理怀疑作为确证标准的主体间知识论是合理的,也是可能的。

    The conclusion is : A inter-subjectivity epistemology is reasonable .

  12. 组织学习模型简要评述&基于知识论视角

    A Brief Review of Organizational Learning Models : From a Knowledge Perspective

  13. 社会建构主义知识论对我国在线教学设计的启示

    Inspiration of Social Constructivism Learning to Our Online Teaching Design

  14. 整体思维在现代管理理论中的凸显及其知识论定位

    Totality-Thinking in the Contemporary Management Theory : Its Protruding and Epistemology Orientation

  15. 当代英美知识论中的内/外在主义之争:历史与现状

    Past and Present : The Internalism / Externalism Controversy in Contemporary Epistemology

  16. 建基于坚实知识论基础的建构主义教学前程灿烂。

    The constructivist teaching based on solid knowledge theory has great prospects .

  17. 法律解释、哈耶克的知识论与哲学解释学

    Legal Interpretation , Hayek 's Knowledge Theory and Hermeneutic Philosophy

  18. 它主要包括整体主义知识论和自然化认识论的主要内容。

    It includes main content of holistic and naturalized epistemology .

  19. 知识论传统与学术自由的合法性

    The Tradition of Epistemology and the Legitimacy of Academic Freedom

  20. 集合近似邻域与知识论域拓扑空间的性质

    Set Approximate Neighbourhood and Properties of Knowledge Universe Topology Spaces

  21. 而康德把知识论的探究推进到了更高的层次。

    Kant developed the research on theory of knowledge into higher stage .

  22. 问题的提出需要有一种知识论基础作为内在结构支撑。

    Question-posing should have an epistemological base as its internal structural support .

  23. 复杂性科学知识论

    The Theory of Knowledge of the Sciences of Complexity

  24. 拉卡托斯的知识论是目前最优秀的知识理论之一。

    Lakatos ' theory of knowledge is among the best epistemological theories today .

  25. 儿童话语权兴衰的背后有着深层的知识论基础。

    There is the deep epistemological base behind children 's right of discourse .

  26. 第四部分用生存论的思想对教育实践中的异化状态进行了批判,直指教育异化的背后是由于知识论哲学造成的意义迷失。

    The fourth par Criticizes alienation conditions in Education practice by existence thoughts .

  27. 显然,这是道德直觉而非知识论意义的直觉。

    Obviously , this is a moral intuition rather than an epistemological intuition .

  28. 自由意志的深问题及其知识论的解决方案

    Deep Problem of Free Will and Its Epistemological Solution

  29. 康德的范畴论是其知识论的核心内容。

    Kant 's theory of categories is the kernel content of his epistemology .

  30. 论古代西方伦理学知识论倾向

    On the Epistemology Tendency of the Ancient Western Ethics