
  • 网络The Great Fire of London
  1. 塞缪尔·佩皮斯的日记记述了1666年的伦敦大火。

    Samuel Pepy 's diary gives us a contemporary account of the Great Fire of London in1666 .

  2. suchas列举出如1666年伦敦大火一类“灾难性”(即disastrous)的火灾。

    There were disastrous fires in some cities , such as the great fire of London in1666 .

  3. SunChen:哥特式风格gothicstyle.伦敦大火烧毁了以前的教堂。

    Helen : The old St Paul 's Cathedral was in the old Gothic style .

  4. 伟大的历史事件造就了收藏价值很高的报纸:伦敦大火、卡洛登战役(battleofculloden)、滑铁卢战役和特拉法尔加(trafalgar)海战、美国内战的主要战役。

    Great historic events make for highly collectable newspapers : the great fire of London , the battle of Culloden , the battles of Waterloo and Trafalgar , the major battles of the American Civil War .

  5. 这幢建筑物是为了纪念伦敦大火而建造的。

    The building was built to commemorate the Fire of London .

  6. 这栋大楼是为纪念伦敦大火而兴建的。

    This building was built to commemorate the fire of london .

  7. 1666年伦敦大火之后,火灾险变得普及。

    Fire insurance became more popular after the fire in London in 1666 .

  8. 拒绝哀悼死于伦敦大火中的孩子

    A Refusal To Mourn The Death , By Fire , Of A Child In London

  9. 伦敦大火是历史上最严重的火灾之一,它持续了五天。

    This was one of the most terrible fires in history . It lasted for five days .

  10. 在原来伦敦大火烧起的地方,现在有一座高大的纪念碑。

    There is a tall monument in London at the place where the great fire of London started .

  11. 1666年伦敦大火使得很多重要的文件丢失了,这些文件本该是线索。

    The Great London Fire of 1666 burned many important documents that could have been a source of clues .

  12. 1666年的今天,伦敦大火结束:伦敦的大火在燃烧三天后熄灭。

    1666-Great Fire of London ends : A large fire in London burns out after three days . 10,000 buildings including St.

  13. 而且到现在为止,孩子们还在传唱根据伦敦大火编成的儿歌。

    According to records , the fire burned for days and it was absolutely devastating for everyone living in the city .

  14. 本期节目中我们带领大家穿越时间回到伦敦大火的时代,一同探寻伦敦的历史。

    We go back in time to see what London was like in those days and discover the history of the tragic fire .

  15. 艺术与现实的融合统一&读狄兰·托马斯的诗《拒绝哀悼在伦敦大火中被烧死的孩子》

    The Fusion of Art and Reality : Dylan Thomas ' " A Refusal to Mourn the Death , by Fire , of a Child in London ";

  16. 建筑方面的严格新标准甚至被延迟得更久,直到2018年才能实行。继续用伦敦大火进行类比,我们就像等到1676年才开始铺设基石的伦敦人。

    The serious new standards on construction are delayed even further , until 2018 , To continue the Great Fire analogy , we are like Londoners waiting until 1676 before laying the foundation stone .

  17. 1666年那场几乎毁掉伦敦的大火,是由很小的火焰引发的,火势迅速蔓延,烧毁了密密麻麻的木质房屋。

    The great fire of 1666 which devastated London originated with a small flame , which spread rapidly across crammed wooden buildings .