
  • 网络charles ii;King Charles II
  1. 刚才,英国皇家学会授予我“查理二世国王奖”。

    I have just received the Royal Society King Charles II Medal .

  2. 麦考莱把查理二世描写为无信义的狂热者。

    Macaulay represents Charles II as a faithless fanatic .

  3. 查理二世曾因其忠心授以皇家橡树爵位

    Charles II made you Knights of the Royal oak for your loyalty .

  4. 查理二世国王是史密斯先生和女王的共同祖先。

    Mr. Smith and the queen have a common ancestor in king Charles II .

  5. 英格兰国王查理二世发明了手帕。

    King Richard II invented the handkerchief .

  6. 不要让可怜的莱莉(他的情妇)饿着。英国国王查理二世

    Don 't let poor Nelly ( his mistress , Nell Gwynne ) starve . & Charles ll , King of England

  7. 英格兰国王查理二世时常擦拭法老木乃伊上的尘土,为了“吸收他们古老而伟大的智慧”。

    King Charles the Second often rubbed dust from the mummies of pharaohs so he could " absorb their ancient greatness " .

  8. 1665年查理二世复辟后,英国处于地狱般的大混乱中。他是那时最放荡的人。

    He was the greatest rakehell in the golden age of hell-raising that followed the Restoration of the monarchy under Charles II in 1665 .

  9. 查理二世在这一年委托该公司为他的部队制统一军装,用于伍斯特之战中与奥里夫。克伦威尔的共和武力部队作战之用。

    The king had commissioned uniforms for his troops to fight the republican forces of Oliver Cromwell at the Battle of Worcester the same year .

  10. 据说,查理二世国王对伊夫林这个点子“非常满意”,一份相应的抗烟害法案也被拟定出来。

    King Charles II was said to be " much pleas 'd " with Evelyn 's idea , and a bill against the smoky nuisance was duly drafted .

  11. 世间万物的存在,必定有其存在的价值和意义,每一个事物的产生必定有其产生的根源,并非凭空而降。1662年,英格兰国王查理二世迎娶了葡萄牙布拉干萨王朝的凯瑟琳公主。公主随嫁妆带来了一小箱茶叶。

    In 1662 , King Charles II ofEnglandmarriedthe Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza who brought with her , as part ofher dowry , a small chest of tea .

  12. 1662年,英格兰国王查理二世迎娶了葡萄牙布拉干萨王朝的凯瑟琳公主。公主随嫁妆带来了一小箱茶叶。

    In1662 , King Charles II of England married the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganzawho brought with her , as part of her dowry , a small chest of tea .

  13. 下午茶的来历:1662年,英格兰国王查理二世迎娶了葡萄牙布拉干萨王朝的凯瑟琳公主。公主随嫁妆带来了一小箱茶叶。

    In 1662 , King Charles II of England married the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza who brought with her , as part of her dowry , a small chest of tea .

  14. 和哈灵顿交往四年的莱斯利是英国国王查理二世的后裔。莱斯利的家族拥有沃希尔城堡900年了,如今这座兴建于12世纪的城堡已经成为很受欢迎的婚礼举办地和私人酒店。

    Leslie , who has been with Harington for four years , is a descendant of King Charles II and the 12th-century castle , which is now a popular wedding venue and private hotel , has been owned by her family for the past 900 years .

  15. 国王反对派在议会内外抨击英王查理二世的内外政策,在三届排斥议会中力求通过旨在废除天主教徒约克公爵詹姆士王位继承权的《排斥议案》。

    The Country Opposition criticized the internal and external policies of Charles II inside and outside parliament ; they strove the sanction of Exclusion Bill aiming at the abolition of the right of the Duke of York , James to succession to the throne in three Exclusion Parliaments .