
  • 网络justin
  1. 查士丁依靠其军事能力得到政治权力,并被授予伯爵封号。

    With military power came political power , and he was given the title of Count .

  2. 查士丁出生于公元453年,早年以养猪为生,生活困顿,常遭野蛮劫掠。

    Justin was born in 453 AD and began life as a simple swineherd , enduring poverty and barbarian raids at an early age .

  3. 但查士丁根本不想成为皇帝,还给教皇写信,告诉他自己是被迫登上皇位的。

    It was a position he never really wanted , and he made that clear to the Pope by writing to inform him he had been made emperor against his will .