
  • 网络Charles X;Charles X of France
  1. 你们可以吃得象查理十世那样好。一切顺利!

    You shall dine like Charles the Tenth ; all is going well !

  2. 查理十世在去瑟堡的途中,叫人把一张圆桌改成方的,他对这种危难中的仪式比那崩溃中的君权更关心。

    Charles X.during the voyage from Cherbourg , causing a round table to be cut over into a square table , appeared to be more anxious about imperilled etiquette than about the crumbling monarchy .

  3. 然后他离开了万尼科罗群岛,去新西兰,1828年4月7日到了加尔各答,然后回法掴,到了法国,他受到查理十世的热情招待。

    Then he left Vanikoro , headed toward New Zealand , dropped anchor at Calcutta on April 7 , 1828 , and returned to France , where he received a very cordial welcome from King Charles X.