
  • 网络louis xviii
  1. 在目前这个时间谋反,路易十八笑一笑说。

    " A conspiracy in these times ," said Louis XVIII .

  2. 最后一位是路易十八,他执政一年后就被拿破仑夺取了政权。

    The last one was Louis XVIII - who reigned for a year until Napoleon took power .

  3. 路易十八复位后一年左右,监狱巡查员到伊夫堡来作了一次视察。

    A YEAR AFTER Louis XVIII 's restoration , a visit was made by the inspector-general of prisons .

  4. 看到这种神色慌张的样子,路易十八就猛地推开了那张他正在写字的桌子。

    AT THE SIGHT of this agitation Louis XVIII pushed from him violently the table at which he was sitting .

  5. 罪犯一被发现有罪就被打入了监狱。路易十八对这一猛烈的打击只是软弱无力地抵抗了一下。

    Prison a prison ahe was found guilty . Louis XVIII made but a faint attempt to parry this unexpected blow ;

  6. 一个佩戴着圣路易十字勋章的老人站了起来,他提议为国王路易十八的健康干杯。

    An old man , decorated with the cross of Saint Louis , now rose and proposed the health of King Louis XVIII .

  7. 为了生活,苏菲在展览活动上驾驶氢气球,为拿破仑·波拿巴,甚至国王路易十八表演。

    To make a living , she piloted a hydrogen balloon at exhibitions , performing for Napoleon Bonaparte and even King Louis XVIII .

  8. 医院挤满了抵抗力减弱的病人,是滋生疾病的温床。路易十八对这一猛烈的打击只是软弱无力地抵抗了一下。

    Cramming infirm people into one place creates the ideal breeding ground for disease . Louis XVIII made but a faint attempt to parry this unexpected blow ;

  9. 后来它被修复在一起,并送往了法国,因为马尔凯斯?德里维尔已购买了这尊雕像,把它送给法国国王路易十八。

    Later it was replaced together and sent to France , because the Marquis de Riviere had brought the statue and had given it to Louis XVIII of France .

  10. 路易十八向前跨了一步,象拿破仑那样交叉起双臂。

    " By the telegraph , sire . " & Louis XVIII . advanced a step , and folded his arms over his chest as Napoleon would have done .

  11. 后来它被修复在一起,并送往了法国,因为马尔凯斯·德里维尔已购买了这尊雌像,把它送给法国国王路易十八。

    Later it was replaced together and sent to France , because the Marquis de Riyiere had brought the statue and had given it to Louis XVIII of France .