
  • Louis;Louis Vuitton;Louie;Luis
路易 [lù yì]
  • [Luis] 法国钱币名。一路易约值二十法郎

  1. 第二天,路易十四心情好得不得了。

    Next day , Louis XIV was in the best of humours

  2. 在一层灰尘和蜘蛛网底下,他发现了一座精美的法国路易十六时期的时钟。

    Under the coating of dust and cobwebs , he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock .

  3. 我告诉路易,一上年纪她的活动量就会减少。

    I told Louie that old age would curtail her activities in time

  4. 路易港是个漂亮的小渔港。

    Port-Louis is an attractive little fishing port .

  5. 玛丽安·贝克特尔独自坐在西棕榈滩的路易酒吧柜台旁,一边静静地读着她的电子书,一边等待沙拉。

    Marian Bechtel sits at West Palm Beach 's Bar Louie counter by herself , quietly reading her e-book as she waits for her salad .

  6. 路易氏碱及其过渡态能ET在共轭二烯烃的阴离子聚合中的应用。

    Application of Lewis Base and its Transition Energy ( E_T ) in anionic polym , of conjugated dienes .

  7. 其中之一是投入金融与营建业、热爱拉丁美洲艺术的圣地牙哥商人路易E摩多纳多。

    One is Luis Maldonado , a businessman from San Diego with interests in finance and construction and a penchant for Latin American art .

  8. 路易体痴呆的临床和~1H-MRS分析

    The Clinical Feature and ~ 1H-MRS Analysis of Dementia with Lewy Bodies

  9. 应用~(18)F-DOPAPET显像诊断路易小体性痴呆

    ~ ( 18 ) F-DOPA PET imaging in the diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies

  10. 病理改变以黑质致密层多巴胺神经元部分缺失、神经元中有路易小体(LewyBody,LB)形成等为特点。

    The pathological changes are characterized by deficiency of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra compacta and formation of Lewy body ( LB ) in neurons .

  11. 据此前报道,路易·CK(LouisC.K)将于本周首次主持SNL,当晚音乐嘉宾是fun乐队。

    As previously announced , Louis C.K. will host for the first time on Saturday with musical guest fun .

  12. 如果17世纪的法国有Photoshop软件,路易十四可能也不会轻易使用&至少不会轻易用在自己身上。

    If Photoshop existed in17thcentury France , chances are Louis XIV would have used it sparingly – at least on himself .

  13. 接下来是肯塔基州路易维尔市的KipWilson我去看女朋友的时候她指给我看的

    This is from Kip Wilson from Louisville Kentucky.My girlfriend pointed this place out to me when I went to visit her

  14. Chuck对她说了她最想听的话,让她选择自己而不是路易王子:我会爱你,同样也爱你的孩子。

    Chuck told Blair exactly what she needed to hear to choose him over Prince Louis ( Hugo Becker ): I will love you as much as I love your baby .

  15. 目的探讨路易体痴呆(dementiawithLewybody,DLB)的早期诊断。

    Objective To investigate the early characteristic diagnosis of dementia with Lewy body ( DLB ) .

  16. 全球最大奢侈品集团路易酩轩(lvmh)正积极挺进中国,珠宝制造商卡地亚(cartier)和手袋品牌coach也是如此。

    LVMH , the largest luxury goods group , is moving into the country aggressively as are Cartier , the jewellery maker , and coach , the bag brand .

  17. 路易十四(LouisXIV)说:我即是国家。当你就是国家时,法律就成为你的工具,国家的财富都是你的。

    I am the state , said Louis XIV , and when you are the state , the law supports you and the wealth of the state is yours .

  18. 虽然上述判决标志着其在美国取得最新胜利,但欧洲法庭却宣判Ebay败诉于路易酩轩(LVMH),并在近几个月里做出了两项判决,各判罚Ebay赔偿数百万美元。

    While this marks its latest victory in America , courts in Europe have been ruling in favour of LVMH , handing down two multi-million dollar judgements in recent months .

  19. 这间客房里提前备好了零售价约为200美元的路易王妃水晶香槟(LouisRoedererCristal),除非客人更喜欢其他酒水。

    Louis Roederer Cristal , the champagne that retails for around $ 200 , is pre-stocked in the room unless the guest prefers something else .

  20. 一些领军企业的资产负债状况相当良好:路易酩轩和克里斯汀迪奥(ChristianDior)的净负债与有形资产之比在30%左右,而瑞士历峰集团(Richemont)则持有净现金。

    Some of its leaders have healthy balance sheets : LVMH and Christian Dior 's net debt to tangible assets sit at about 30 per cent , while Richemont has net cash .

  21. 不愿透露自己姓氏的法国某望族传人洛朗(Laurent)也喜欢与人为伴,他对外招租的是自家位于巴黎、始建于路易十六时期(LouisXVI)、面积达4300平方英尺的空置豪宅。

    Laurent also likes the company . A scion of a large French family - he won 't give his surname - he lets his sumptuous 4300 sq ft Louis XVI-period spare apartment in Paris .

  22. 结论蛋白酶体功能障碍有可能在多巴胺能神经元的选择性死亡中起关键作用,而Parkin蛋白在路易小体的形成过程中可能起重要作用。

    Conclusions Ubiquitin-proteasome system dysfunction may be the key factor involving in the selective loss of the dopaminergic neurons , and the parkin protein may contribute to the formation of the Lewy bodies .

  23. 他们表决决定选出自己的2012年总统候选人很可能会是广受欢迎的前环保部长让-路易博罗(jean-louisborloo)。

    They also voted to select their own candidate for the 2012 presidential race , likely to be the popular former environment minister Jean-Louis Borloo .

  24. CireTrudon始创于1643年,曾为国王路易十四的宫廷提供蜡烛。

    Cire Trudon , established in 1643 , once supplied King Louis XIV 's court with candles .

  25. 方法对6例路易体痴呆患者的临床症状、体征、神经心理检查和辅助检查进行分析,对其中5例进行~1H-MRS检查,观察NAA、Cho、Cr各代谢产物浓度的改变。

    Method : We analyzed the clinical feature , sign , neuropsychological examination and auxiliary examination of 6 cases of dementia with Lewy bodies . 1H - MRS examination was performed in 5 of these cases . Concentrations of NAA , Cho and Cr were evaluated .

  26. 它们的起源可以追溯至从法国路易十四(LouisXIV)宫廷传播至欧洲、美国的参访卡,而且是直到20世纪初还存在的繁缛社交礼仪的一部分。

    They trace their origins to the visitors ' calling cards that spread from the court of France 's Louis XIV to Europe and the US and were a part of the elaborate social etiquette that existed up until the early 20th century .

  27. 即使路易斯这样的名演员,也需要FX等网络出资制作并销售其情景喜剧《路易》(Louie),尽管我们需要强调指出,该剧制作成本低廉,而且FX网络基本上允许路易斯随心所欲地进行表演。

    Even Louis needs a network like FX to finance production and distribution of his sitcom , Louie , though it should be noted that it 's done on the cheap , and the network lets Louis do basically whatever he wants .

  28. 目的对轻、中度阿尔茨海默病和路易体痴呆患者进行临床表现和1H-MRS研究,以期对疾病的早期诊断、鉴别诊断和治疗有所帮助。

    Objective To analyze the clinical manifestations and () ~ 1H-magnetic resonace spectroscopy ( ~ 1H-MRS ) examinations of Alzheimer 's disease and dementia with Lewy Body , and further provide evidence for early diagnosis , differential diagnosis and treatment .

  29. 在植物细胞全能性学说的基础上,采用单因子实验,分析比较了细胞分裂素6-BA,生长素2,4-D,生长素NAA等3种植物激素对路易圣特百合鳞茎愈伤组织生长的影响。

    On the basis of plant cell 's totipotency theory , choose one factor trial and analyze the influence of three hormone , which are cell mitogen ( 6 BA ) auxin ( 2,4 D ) and auxin ( NAA ) to the callus growth of Nove Cento 's bulb .

  30. 此外,在葡萄酒市场中,拉费堡(ChteauLafite)和路易十三(LouisXIII)瓶装酒是中国超级富豪灼灼生辉的新豪宅中必不可少的展示品,虽然这类财富徽章更可能会被视作投资。

    In the wine market , meanwhile , bottles of Chteau Lafite and Louis XIII are indispensable accoutrements for display in the gleaming new mansions of China 's super-rich , although such badges of wealth are more likely to be seen as investments .