
  • 网络Queen of France;French queens consort
  1. 法国王后玛丽·安托瓦内特是法国国王路易十六的妻子。

    Queen Marie antoinete of France was the wife of Louis the16th .

  2. 于是,我既是法国王后,又是苏格兰女王。

    Then I was Queen of France , and Queen of Scotland too .

  3. 玛丽斯图亚特,1542-1587,苏格兰女王及作为遗孀的法国王后。

    Mary Stuart , 1542-1587 , Queen of Scotland and Dowager Queen of France .

  4. 卢瓦尔河山谷是风景最美的地方之一,在那里可以游览法国国王和王后曾经居住过的城堡。

    One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley , where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live .

  5. 那时的法国有国王和王后,英国也有国王和王后,

    In France there was a King and a Queen , and in England there was a King and a Queen .

  6. 据传说中记载,这位法国国王(他的王后约瑟芬也是左撇子)掌权之后,命令军队士兵改变左右列队位置。

    Once in power , the story goes , the French emperor whose queen , Josephine , was also a southpaw ordered his armies to switch sides .

  7. 但是许多年以前,法国历代国王和王后都曾住在那里,直到后来法国人民愤怒起义,砍掉了他们的头。

    but years ago the kinds and queens of France used to live there , until the French people got angry with them and chopped off their heads .