
  1. 她和里昂的法国抵抗运动组织建立了联系。

    She established communications with the French Resistance movement in Lyon .

  2. 对于埃塞尔而言,上述宣言不过是延续了法国抵抗运动的理想。

    To Hessel , that declaration simply continued the ideals of the French Resistance .

  3. 法国抵抗运动探析:1944&1947

    A Review of France Resistance Movement : 1944-1947

  4. 像所有的法国抵抗运动老战士一样,夏莱十分自豪地佩戴着他的粉红缓带。

    Like all French Resistance veterans , Chalet wore his pink ribbon with conspicuous pride .

  5. 第二次世界大战爆发后,贝克女士开始为法国抵抗运动组织工作。

    Miss Baker started working for the French Resistance movement when World War Two began .

  6. 法国抵抗运动的火焰

    " The flame of French resistance "

  7. 无论局势怎样变化,法国抵抗运动的火焰一定不能、也绝不会熄灭。

    Whatever happens , the flame of French resistance must not and shall not die .

  8. 他们的工作关系结束时,皮埃尔加入法国抵抗运动,而勒柯布西耶没有参加。

    Their working relationship ended when Pierre joined the French Resistance and Le Corbusier did not .

  9. 综上所述,法国抵抗运动在战争时期对于法国的解放做出了卓越的贡献。

    To conclude , France Resistance Movement made the largest part of contribution to the liberation of France in the wartime .

  10. 他与法国抵抗运动并肩作战,几度与死神擦肩而过,多次改名换姓,最后化名米歇尔·托马斯。

    He fought with the resistance , escaped near death several times and took several noms de guerre , ending with Michel Thomas .

  11. 即使自己的亲妹妹投身于法国抵抗运动中,后来还被盖世太保捕获,时装设计师克里斯汀·迪奥还是选择了低声下气地为纳粹党服务——为高级官员的太太们剪裁新衣。有人说他是卖国贼,有人说他丧心病狂。

    Even while his sister served in the French Resistance and was captured by the Gestapo , fashion designer Christian Dior kept his head down and worked for the Nazis , often making dresses and outfits for the wives of high-ranking officers . Some saw him as a traitor and a shill for working for the Germans .

  12. 苏德战争爆发后,法国的抵抗运动有了较大的发展,这样,实现各个抵抗组织的联合就成为了抵抗运动者们面临的最重要任务。

    After the broken of Soviet-Nazi War , France Resistance Movement won great development . Accordingly , at that time , the most important task of the resisters was the combination of all resistance forces .