
  • 网络socialist;socialist party;Parti Socialiste;French Socialist Party
  1. 他的名字通常被简写为DSK,是法国社会党成员。

    The Frenchman widely known as DSK is a member of France 's Socialist party .

  2. 莫斯科维奇也承诺说,法国社会党会把公共财政支出控制好。

    Moscovici also gave assurances that the Socialists would keep public finances under control .

  3. 法国社会党政府发言人表示,简化离婚程序使训练有素的法院职员能处理简单的离婚案件,同时使法官能空出来去解决复杂的离婚案件。

    A spokesman for France 's socialist government says simplifying the process will let highly-trained court clerks to handle easy divorces while freeing up judges for difficult breakups .

  4. 该提案得到了法国社会党政府的支持。一旦通过,法国的医生就遵从患者提出的结束生命的意愿,对已无能力表达自己意愿的患者,其事先写下的请求也同样具有法律效力。

    Backed by the Socialist government , the bill would also force doctors in France to follow end-of-life instructions expressed by the patients themselves , or written in advance if they are no longer able to state their wishes 。

  5. 法国执政党社会党在法国选举欧洲议会成员时遭到了选民的严厉指责。

    France 's ruling socialist party has received a sharp rebuke from voters as the country selects its members for the European Parliament .

  6. 然而,奥朗德“御用”理发师的雇佣合同——只能辨认出理发师的名字为奥利维耶B——被调查性报纸《鸭鸣报》公开后,法国公众对这位社会党总统的奢侈花费十分不满。

    However the publication of the contract of his hairdresser , identified only as Olivier B. , by the investigative newspaper had the French public bristling over such extravagant spending by a Socialist president .

  7. 现在,法国需要我们与他们并肩。朗德总统——也是我们的姐妹党法国社会党的党首——正请求我们的帮助。

    Now , France wants us to stand with them and President Hollande - the leader of our sister socialist party - has asked for our assistance and help .