
  • 网络Convention;Convention nationale;the National Convention
  1. 国民公会代表把一只手举上额头,好象要拨开一阵云雾。

    The conventionary passed his hand across his brow , as though to sweep away a cloud .

  2. 这一下,轮到国民公会代表逞强,主教低声下气了。

    It was the conventionary 's turn to be arrogant , and the bishop 's to be humble .

  3. 国民公会代表重又张开眼睛。眉宇间呈现出一种严肃而阴郁的神情。

    The conventionary opened his eyes again . a gravity mingled with gloom was imprinted on his countenance .

  4. 1793年的今天,法国国王路易十六被国民公会判为叛国罪,在断头台被处死。

    1793 – After being found guilty of treason by the French Convention , Louis XVI of France is executed by guillotine .

  5. 等到主教抬起头来,那个国民公会代表已经神色森严,气绝了。

    When the bishop raised his head again , the face of the conventionary had become august , he had just expired .

  6. 历史上的今天-法王路易十六被处死1793年的今天,法国国王路易十六被国民公会判为叛国罪,在断头台被处死。

    Louis XVI of France is executed 1793 - After being found guilty of treason by the French Convention , Louis XVI of France is executed by guillotine .