
guó jì háng bān
  • international flight;International Arrival
  1. 布赖恩・科恩(BrianCohen)读大学时第一次乘坐国际航班去巴黎,当时他借了一个索尼随身听,用来听埃尔顿・约翰1975年的专辑《奇异船长与黄沙牛仔》(CaptainFantasticandtheBrownDirtCowboy)。

    Brian Cohen 's first international flight , to Paris during his college years , included listening to the 1975 Elton John album ' Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy ' on a borrowed Sony Walkman .

  2. 克什米尔查谟市的首席部长OmarAbdullah,注视着右上方印度当局者联合进步联盟主席索尼娅.甘地和其他人挥手走下印度直航公司的一架飞机,这是到斯利那加的首次国际航班。

    Chief Minister of Jammu Kashmir state Omar Abdullah , top right , looks on as India 's ruling United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and others wave from an Air India Express aircraft , the first international flight into Srinagar

  3. 罢工迫使50个机场关闭,但大部分国际航班并未受到影响。

    The strike shut down 50 airports , but most international flights were unaffected .

  4. 国际航班上三例甲型H1N1流感病例报告

    Cases of H1N1 influenza A in international flights

  5. 国际航班的飞机燃料不征税,另外飞机不象汽车,它不用检查CO2的排放量。

    Aircraft fuel is not taxed on international flights , and planes , unlike cars , and are not inspected for CO2 emissions .

  6. 来自ARC的最新调查显示,无论是国内还是国际航班,最便宜的机票都是在星期日出售。

    New research from the Airlines Reporting Corp ( ARC ) suggests that the lowest fares are found on Sundays , regardless of the domestic or international destination .

  7. 前往距离东京市中心近得多的羽田机场(hanedaairport)的国际航班受到严格限制。

    International flights to Haneda airport , much closer to central Tokyo , are severely restricted .

  8. ARC的研究显示,美国国内航线的最好价格出现在航班起飞日的前八周,而最低的国际航班价格出现在起飞日的前24周。

    ARC 's study revealed that the best deals for US domestic routes were found eight weeks before the date of departure , while the lowest fares for international destinations were found 24 weeks in advance .

  9. 有关国际航班空难遇难者的赔偿问题适用2003年实施生效的《蒙特利尔公约》(MontrealConvention)。

    The method of compensating victims of international airline crashes is governed by a treaty known as the Montreal Convention , which came into force in 2003 .

  10. 来自ARC的最新调查显示,无论是国内还是国际航班,最便宜的机票都是在星期日出售。在传统的周一至周五的工作日里,周二售出的机票是最划算的。

    New research from the Airlines Reporting Corp ( ARC ) suggests that the lowest fares are found on Sundays , regardless of the domestic or international destination . During the traditional Monday through Friday work week , tickets purchased on Tuesday were the best bargains .

  11. 搭乘国骨和国际航班都到同一个候机厅。

    You go to the same terminal for domestic and international flights .

  12. 爆炸发生在机场的国际航班旅客到港区内。

    The blast occurred inside the international arrivals area of the airport .

  13. 本月早些时候,直飞北京的国际航班已恢复。

    Direct international flights to Beijing resumed earlier this month .

  14. 该计划不包括国际航班和北京往返航班。

    The plan excludes international flights and flights between Wuhan and Beijing .

  15. 这个国际航班是由中国重庆预定的。

    The international flight had been destined for the Chinese city of Chongqing .

  16. 还有几百架国际航班飞过来。

    We have hundreds of international flights coming in .

  17. 现在那里有很多国际航班在飞吗?

    Is it running a lot of international flights ?

  18. 在美国国内坐飞机是否比搭乘国际航班更安全?

    Is it safer to fly domestically within the United States than internationally ?

  19. 国际航班通常可以在达拉斯,休斯顿以及圣安东尼奥搭乘。

    International flights are generally served through dallas , Houston or San antonio .

  20. 但那名乘客也可能已经坐上国际航班飞走了。

    Um ... but the passenger could 've gotten on an international flight .

  21. 国际航班的门在哪里?

    Where is the gate for international flights ?

  22. 说是一架国际航班被劫持了。

    About a hijacking aboard a diplomatic flight .

  23. 早餐后整理行李,离开华盛顿,乘国际航班飞往中国。

    Take Flight leave Washington D.C.return to China .

  24. 一些环保人士希望对所有国际航班都征收这类税种,用于适应性活动。

    Some environmentalists want a similar tax on all international flights to help adaptation .

  25. 也有定期国际航班。

    There are regular international flights , too .

  26. 我是第一次乘国际航班。

    This is my first international flight .

  27. 国际航班值机柜台在大厅左拐角。

    The check-in counter for International flights is on the left corner of the hall .

  28. 虽然国际航班比国内航班时间长,飞机上提供的服务通常要比国内航班好得多。

    Though international flights are longer than domestic ones , the service is usually much better .

  29. 国际航班过境过协定

    International Air Service Transit Agreement

  30. 在北京首都机场的信息公告板上这次航班被列为国际航班。

    IT WAS listed on the information board at Beijing 's Capital Airport as an international flight .