
  1. 国际冠军杯方面表示,花费了60到300英镑买票的5万名球迷将获得退款。

    The ICC insisted that the 50000 fans who paid between £ 60 and

  2. 比赛在英国时间上午7点后宣布取消。此前,国际冠军杯的主办方和俱乐部代表进行了90分钟的谈话并检查了场地。

    But the match was called off just after 7am UK time following a pitch inspection and 90 minutes of talks between delegations from clubs and organisers of the International Champions Cup .

  3. 戴维斯杯是一项重大的国际网球冠军杯赛。

    The Davis Cup is an important international tennis championship .