
  • 网络National Forest City
  1. 阿克苏市兼顾多重效益的国家森林城市建设

    Building of National Forest City with Consideration of Multiple Benefits in Aksu , Xinjiang

  2. 绿化委员会、国家林业局已启动设立了国家森林城市这一荣誉称号,并且建立了权威的、专业的国家森林城市评价指标体系。

    National Afforestation Committee and State Forestry Bureau has set up " National Forest City " the honorary title and also the authoritative and professional system of indexes .

  3. 城市森林净化环境功能及经济价值评估&以国家森林城市长沙市为例

    Natural Purification Function of Urban Forest in Changsha and Evaluation on It 's Value

  4. 城市森林固碳释氧功能及经济价值评估&以第三个国家森林城市长沙市为实证分析

    Carbon Fixation and Oxygen Release Functions Valuation of Urban Forests & An empirical analysis of Changsha city which the third national forests cities of China

  5. 成都市作为国家森林和园林城市,发展绿色旅游的基础与条件具备,看清自己的现状与问题、总结他人的经验与教训、提出可行的措施与对策是很有必要的。

    As the city as national forest and garden city , foundations and conditions of developing green tour possess are here , seeing clearly one 's own current situation and question , summarizing others ' experience and lesson , putting forward feasible measure and countermeasure are very necessary .

  6. 对照国家林业局颁布的《国家森林城市评价指标(试行)》的数量指标,在覆盖率、森林生态网络、森林健康方面都已基本达到创建国家森林城市的标准。

    Promulgated by the state forestry administration control index number , in coverage , forest ecological networks , forest health has reached national standards of urban forest created .