
  • 网络Suiyuan
  1. 1929年的夏天,正处于休假期间的路易·艾黎来到绥远省,帮助中国华洋义赈救灾总会进行赈灾工作。

    In the summer of1929 during his annual leave , he travel ledfar inland to Suiyuan Province helping the China International Famine Relief Commission .

  2. 其中以原内蒙古自治区的金融发展历史为主线,辅以绥远省的金融发展历史加以完善。

    While the original development of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous financial history as the main line , backed by the financial development of historical Suiyuan Province refinement . The article has exordium .

  3. 第三章主要分析国民政府统辖初期这一特定历史时期,绥远省政府积极参与开发西北,尝试重组农业社会的举措。

    Chapter III of the main rule of the government early this particular historical period , Suiyuan the provincial government actively involved in the development of the Northwest , try to restructuring the agricultural community initiatives .

  4. 东部的内蒙古自治区政府在1951年、西部的绥远省政府在1952年先后落实保护牧场、严禁开荒政策,封闭了不宜耕作的土地。

    In 1951 the eastern Inner Mongolia autonomous government implemented the policy of " To protect the pastureland , to prohibit reclaiming wasteland ", so did the western Suiyuan provincial government , thus the land not suiting cultivation was closed .

  5. 绥远建省对巩固国防和维护国家统一有重要意义。

    Establishing Siouan Province contains important significance in strengthening the national defense and unifying the country .

  6. 摘要绥远建省是国民政府整顿地方行政的重要组成部分,也是苏俄侵占外蒙古和日本对东蒙的渗进迫使国民政府加强对内蒙统治的产物。

    The Kuomintang govemment 's establishing a province in Siouan area was not a component part of policy in reorganizing and unifying local administration , but a result of strengthening rule in Inner Mongolia due to external Mongolia occupied by the Soviet Russia and East Inner Mongolia infiltrated by japan .