
  • 网络proterozoic;Proterozoic Era
  1. 由微立体光刻设备制备出了μm级的圆柱阵列式支架和三角孔式支架,整体结构很微小,结构上端为原生代细胞附着区域,下端是细胞培养液的贮液池。

    The bracket is the structure that arrays of round-column holes , upper end of which is proterozoic cells accrete field , the bottom of which is the store-pool of the foster liquid .

  2. NAVEXGlobal的弗雷迪恩解释说,目前招聘广告中使用“数字原生代”没有引起重视很可能是因为人们并不确切了解该词的含义。

    The current lack of seriousness placed onusing the term " digital native " in job ads , though , could very well be because people are ignorant of its definition , explained Fredeen .

  3. 营销机构InboundMarketingAgents联合创始人帕特o奥因斯对《财富》杂志表示,从去年开始在招聘广告中要求求职者为“数字原生代”。

    In bound Marketing Agents " co-founder Pat Owings told Fortune that Inbound has been using the term " digital native " on itsjob ads since last year .

  4. 报业巨头甘尼特集团旗下设在华盛顿的子公司CBS招聘时,也指名要数字原生代。

    The Gannett-owned CBS TV affiliate in Washington D.C.notes in its ad that it is looking to hire digital natives .

  5. EEOC发言人约瑟夫o奥利瓦雷斯表示,尚未认定在招聘广告中使用“数字原生代”是否属于歧视行为。

    According to Joseph Olivares , as pokesperson for the EEOC , the agency has not taken a position on whether usingthe term " digital native " in an ad is discriminatory .

  6. 汽车共享公司Zipcar在招聘创意及品牌营销总监的广告中称,求职者“必须成功领导过创意工作,还必须是数字原生代”,而且“数字原生代”属于“最低”要求。

    Zipcar , the car-sharing service , posted an ad for a director of creative and brand marketing and says this person " will be a proven creative leader and digital native . " Being a digital native also is on its list of " minimum " job requirements .

  7. 数字原生代强化了管理特定活动的脑细胞。

    Digital natives are strengthening brain cells that regulate specific activities .

  8. 数字原生代读者需求与高校图书馆服务创新初探

    The requirement of digital native users and the service innovation of academic libraries

  9. 他们被广泛的知道,并冠以网络时代、千禧代、Y时代或者是数字原生代的名称。

    THEY are variously known as the Net Generation , Millennials , Generation Y or Digital Natives .

  10. 那么,使用类似“数字原生代”的具有年代划分意味的词,是不是就为了拒绝40岁以上的求职者呢?

    Is using a generational term like " digitalnative " just another way of excluding over-40 job candidates ?

  11. 马克·普连斯基在2001年的一篇论文中首创“数字原生代”这个词。

    Author Marc Prensky has been credited with having coined the term " digital native " in a 2001 essay ;

  12. 用人单位都在招聘“数字原生代”,特别是媒体、广告和科技公司。

    Employers , especiallyin the media , advertising and tech industries , have begun advertising for " digital natives . "

  13. 这意味着数字原生代整体(涉及长期记忆)的大脑额叶发展不同于以往的人们。

    That means that the frontal lobe of the brain , involved in storing long-term memory , develops differently in digital natives , as a whole , than it has for previous generations .

  14. Allyou.com和InStyle.com与《财富》杂志同属时代公司,约6个月前这两家公司发布的招聘广告中都提到了数字原生代。

    All You and InStyle , which , like Fortune , are owned by Time Inc. , each ran ads that used the term digital native ; theads were posted about six months ago .

  15. Allyou.com和InStyle.com与《财富》杂志同属时代公司,约6个月前这两家公司发布的招聘广告中都提到了“数字原生代”。

    All You and InStyle , which , like Fortune , are owned by Time Inc. , each ran ads that used the term " digital native ; " theads were posted about six months ago .

  16. 《财富》杂志在求职网站Indeed.com上简单搜索了一下,发现了几十条将“数字原生代”作为聘用条件的广告,发布方既有知名媒体巨头,也有大大小小的初创企业。

    Fortune did a simple search in Indeed.comand found dozens of listings , including from both established media giants and startups of all sizes , in which being a " digital native " is listed as arequirement .

  17. 报告显示,在2018年全球百强最具创新型企业排行榜上,约60%的公司是数字化原生代或者是重要的数字化使用者,而在2012年,只有17%的公司使用数字化技术。

    About 60 percent of the companies on the 2018 global challenger list are either digital natives or significant digital adopters , compared with only 17 percent that made significant use of digital technologies in 2012 , according to the report .

  18. 总部设在弗吉尼亚州弗吉尼亚海滩的软件解决方案供应商StratusLIVE正在招客户拓展专员。招聘广告称,“理想的求职者必须是数字原生代”,能迅速适应新技术。

    Virginia Beach , VA-based software solutions firm , StratusLIVE , is currently seeking alead generation specialist to join its team and according to its ad , the " ideal candidate must be a digital native " who adapts quickly to new technologies .

  19. 隶属营销巨头电扬旗下的广告机构伟门在招聘项目经理,基本要求包括“数字原生代”以及具备“现有及新生数字平台”工作经验。

    In aposting for a project manager , advertising agency Wunderman , which is part of marketing giant Young & Rubicam Brands , listed as the top requirement being " a digital native " experienced in " existing and emerging digital platforms . "

  20. 她表示,尽管认为“在招聘广告里使用[数字原生代]并不明智”,但可想而知用人单位会在法庭上辩称,这个描述“是特指具备某些技能或资格”,而且“是胜任某些工作必备的条件”。

    Holstege said that while she doesn 't think it 's " smart to put [ digital native ] in a job posting , " she cansee employers arguing in court that the term " carries unique meaning as to certain skills or qualifications " and is " necessary to the normal operation ofthe particular business . "